
Tenengfara Solar Powered Water Project, Central River Region – The Gambia

Water Charity’s Water For Everyone – The Gambia program has launched a new solar-powered water project in the Central River Region of The Gambia. Location of Project: Tenegfara Village, Niamina East District, Central River Region, The Gambia, West Africa; GPS Coordinates: N13°37.500 W015°01.311 Community Description Tenengfara is a village located about 8 kilometers east of […]

Analalava Well Tour – Madagascar

Water Charity is excited to announce its latest project in Analalava, Madagascar, as a significant part of our Water For Everyone(WFE) – Madagascar program. The coastal District of Analalava, nestled within the Sophia Region of Northwest Madagascar, boasts a predominantly rural landscape, characterized by limited accessibility, especially during the rainy season. The villages within the […]

Northern Bahr el Ghazal & Warrap Well Rehabilitation Program – South Sudan

Water Charity has already been working primarily in the south around Yei River State, for more details on the South Sudan Well Rehab Program, CLICK HERE. Water Charity in partnership with Water is Basic, is excited to launch a transformative project focused on rehabilitating and restoring 100 boreholes in the Northern Bahr el Ghazal and […]

Foni Kansala District Rehab Tour Phase 3- West Coast Region, The Gambia

Foni Kansala- is one of the nine districts of the West Coast Region of The Gambia, located south of the Gambia River in the southwest of the country. Foni Kansala is located in the southeast of the division, between Foni Bintang-Karenai and Foni Bondali. This area of the country is prone to illegal deforestation, especially […]

Niamina East District Rehab Tour Phase 1 – The Gambia

Niamina East is one of the ten districts of the Central River Region of The Gambia. It is located within the Janjanbureh Area Council. The district covers an area of about 395.6 km² with a population of about 34,000, of which 47.5% are male and 52.5% are female. Subsistence farming remains the dominant occupation in […]


Upper Saloum is one of the ten districts of the Central River Region of The Gambia. The district covers an area of about 155.8 km² with a population of about 24,000 people, of which 44.6% are male and 55.4% are female. Subsistence agriculture remains the dominant occupation in the district. The Central River Region, located […]

Upper Saloum District Rehab Tour Phase 1 – The Gambia

Upper Saloum is one of the ten districts of the Central River Region of The Gambia. The district covers an area of about 155.8 km² with a population of about 24,000, of which 44.6% are male and 55.4% female. Subsistence farming remains the dominant occupation in the district.   The Central River Region is one […]

Kyzyl Döbö Village Sanitation Project – Kyrgyzstan

This project is made possible through the partnership of Water Charity and the National Peace Corps Association. Location Kyzyl Döbö School, Kyzyl Döbö Village, Kochkor Rayon Center Naryn Oblast, Kyrgyzstan Community Description Kyrgyzstan is a mountainous, post-Soviet republic located in Central Asia.  Its six million citizens are mostly concentrated in the provinces of Chui and […]