
Community Aqueduct – Dominican Republic

This project is to construct a new water system in Los Cacaos, a rural community in the Dominican Republic. A new community aqueduct will be built to bring potable water from a small spring 1 kilometer away to houses of the village. The community is made up of 74 houses and 242 people. The community […]

Conclusion of Quebrada Banano Aqueduct Project – Panama

To read the details of the start of this project, CLICK HERE. Peace Corps Volunteer Nico Armstrong has succeeded in completing this project on schedule and within budget. The project had been stalled due to a lack of funds, and without his efforts, the vast portion of the community would have remained without water. After […]

Conclusion of Verejeni Water Tower Project – Moldova

To read about the start of this project, CLICK HERE. This project was completed in an amazingly short time through the leadership of Peace Corps Volunteer Toumil Samonte, working in close coordination with the members of Verejeni village. Toumil submitted the following summary: Duration: 5 days, from October 30- November 3, 2009 Volunteers: 11 Materials […]

School Flooding Remediation Project – Mexico

This is a project to remediate severe flooding at an elementary school, the Escuela Primaria “Estado de Colima, in El Male’ Chiapas, Mexico. This project is being implemented in partnership with the Sexto Sol Center, a U.S. 50(c)(3) non-profit, with a mission to contribute to the elimination of poverty and the restoration of the damaged […]

Community Latrine Project – Panama

This project is to build 20 community latrines in Quebrada Pabón, a village Chiriquí, in the western part of Panama. This community is lacking sanitary facilities and there is no running water. Leaders were concerned about the health of the inhabitants and decided that sanitary latrines would be the best place to start. Panama is […]

Women’s Community Center Project – Paraguay

This is part of a larger project to construct a women’s community center in rural Paraguay. Water Charity’s funds will be used to complete the water and sanitation portions of the project, and, more particularly to purchase the materials and fixtures needed to accomplish this. This is our first project in Paraguay, a South American […]

Village Improvement Project – Fiji

This project is a portion of a larger endeavor to raise the standard of living within a rural village of Fiji by creating a safer and healthier village environment. Our project funds will be used for constructing a V-drain (a V-shaped cement drain) in an area prone to heavy water flow during rain. After the […]

Update on Moringa Ride – Togo

To read the beginning post on this project, CLICK HERE. Final arrangements for the Moringa Ride – Togo are shaping up. The bike ride will begin on November 16, 2009, and continue for four days and three nights. The latest configuration calls for 9 Peace Corps Volunteers and 6 Togolese counterparts to embark on the […]

Stettin Health Center Water Project – Jamaica

Location Stettin, Trelawny, Jamaica Community Description Stettin is a small community just outside of Albert Town, Trelawny. Albert Town is the major destination in Southern Trelawny for shopping, services, and transportation. The southern half of Trelawny consists mostly of subsistence farmers who support their families on what they grow. They produce crops to sell at […]