National Peace Corps Association

Kounkane Health Post Sanitation Project – Senegal

Location Commune of Kounkane, Velingara Department, Kolda Region, Senegal Community Description Kounkane is a rural road town located on Route National 6 in southern Senegal, with a population of approximately 9,300, the majority of whom belong to the Pulaar ethnic group. Most of the economy relies on agriculture, primarily of corn, rice, millet, peanuts, and […]

Diagaly Primary School Water Storage and Handwashing Station Project – Senegal

Location Diagaly, Louga Region, Senegal Community Description Diagaly is located 55 kilometers east of Linguere, just off the Route Nationale. Because it has a relatively large population of approximately 1,500, and is the home to the sole deep-bore well in the area, Diagaly serves as a hub and commercial center for numerous surrounding villages.  The […]

Lycee de Kounkane Latrine Project – Senegal

Location Kounkane, Velingara Department, Kolda Region, Senegal Community Description Kounkane is a rural road town located on Route National 6 in southern Senegal, with a population of approximately 9,300, the majority of whom belong to the Pulaar ethnic group. Most of the economy relies on agriculture, primarily of corn, rice, millet, peanuts, and cotton. The […]

Conclusion of Kounkane Health Post Sanitation Project – Senegal

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Geoffrey Burmeister. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to repair the two toilet chambers and single shower chamber at the Kounkane Health Post. Geoffrey reports: This project cleaned, disinfected, and rehabilitated two latrines and one shower at […]

Conclusion of Bakai-Ata School Handwashing Station Project – Kyrgyzstan

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Athena Parker. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to provide 6 handwashing stations in 3 schools in Bakai-Ata. Athena reports: This project has been completed. As a result, 1,350 students and 110 teachers and staff members now […]

Bakai-Ata School Handwashing Station Project – Kyrgyzstan

Location Bakai-Ata Village, Bakai-Ata Rayon, Talas Oblast, Kyrgyzstan Community Description Bakai-Ata is a primarily rural and agricultural village in the west of Talas oblast, one of the most isolated areas in Kyrgyzstan. It is a medium-size town that serves as the Bakai-Ata rayon’s administrative and regional health center as well as a center for commerce. […]

École Primarie de Darou Keur Ibrahima Sagnane Latrine Project – Senegal

Location Darou Keur Ibrahima Sagnane, Nioro Allasane Tall, Foundgioune, Fatick, Senegal Community Description Darou Keur Ibrahima Sagnane is a small farming village in the southeast region of Fatick, Senegal. The site is within 20 km of the Delta du Saloum National Park, a  protected estuary adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean.  Of the approximately 350 people […]

Timbery Well Project – Senegal

Location Timbery, Kedougou, Senegal Community Description Timbery is a small Jalunke village in the region of Kedougou, near the border of Guinea. It is a mountain community of 250 members. The affairs of the village are overseen by one chief of the village along with an active women’s group and a village committee. The committee and […]

Conclusion of Timbery Well Project – Senegal

This project has been concluded under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Sara Katherine Moore. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to construct a cement-lined well in the center of the village. Sara reports: The Timbery Well Project proved to have some major bumps. We began the project in […]