
Community Well Repair – Mali

In this rural village in Mali, the majority of people get their drinking water from traditional wells. These uncovered and easily-eroded wells are a major source of waterborne diseases. Intestinal worms and other parasites are especially dangerous for children, making them susceptible to dehydration, diarrhea, and malnutrition. Additionally, unkempt well areas attract mosquitoes, increasing the […]

Essau Lower Basic School Water Project – The Gambia

Location Essau, The Gambia, West Africa Community Description Essau is located across the river and about 7 km east of the capital city of Banjul, in what is commonly called the North Bank Region of The Gambia. The Essau Lower Basic School is the only primary school in the immediate area. It was established in […]

Community Health Hut Construction Project – Senegal

Community health huts play an important role in health care in Senegal. A relatively small amount of money can have a great impact in the delivery of services to a remote village. Therefore, we remain committed to helping with the water and sanitation portions of any projects that make these health posts more accessible, safer […]

Progress Report – Kindergarten Catchment Project – Ghana

To read about the start of this project, CLICK HERE. Our participation in this project is to fund the rain gutters around the building, which will feed a water storage tank. Although this portion of the project comes later in the construction, we will provide progress reports as the work progresses. The old school for […]

Natural Well Development Project – Swaziland

Swaziland is a landlocked country in Southern Africa, bordered on the north, south, and west by South Africa, and on the east by Mozambique. It is a small country, no more than 120 miles from north to south and 80 miles from east to west. The western half is mountainous, and the eastern border with […]

Conclusion of Protected Springs Project – Malawi

To read about the start of the project, CLICK HERE. What do you say when a project is completed with results far beyond all expectations? “Right on!” The project was started with the objective of building three protected springs in the Misuku Mountains. Funds were designated to go toward purchasing cement, and paying Health Surveillance […]

Napeng School Water Project – Thailand

Location Tambon Wanyai, Amphur Wanyai, Mukdahan, Thailand Community Description Wanyai is a farming community in Isaan (Northeast Thailand) with a population of roughly 5,000 people. It is not as developed as the rest of the country in basic water, sanitation, housing, income generation, and education. However, there are many motivated government officials at the sub-district […]

Conclusion of Rurrenabaque Filter Project – Bolivia

To read the beginning post on this project, CLICK HERE. We are happy to report on the successful completion of this project by Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (RPCV) Helen Rortvedt. As our first project let by an RPCV, it has proven the validity of the concept, and promises to lead the way to future projects. […]

Latrines Project – Morocco

This project is to build pour-flush latrines at all of the homes in a small village in Morocco. There is a critical need for this project, which shows the relationship between effective sanitation and a safe water supply. Many families in the community do not have toilets, or have toilets that are in disrepair. However, […]

Community Aqueduct – Dominican Republic

This project is to construct a new water system in Los Cacaos, a rural community in the Dominican Republic. A new community aqueduct will be built to bring potable water from a small spring 1 kilometer away to houses of the village. The community is made up of 74 houses and 242 people. The community […]