
Latrine Construction and Training – Panama

This project is for the construction of individual latrines in a small community in the mountains of Panama. In addition, the community will receive training in construction techniques and hygiene. This small community is made up of indigenous subsistence farmers who raise corn, beans rice and coffee. It is a steep 2-hour hike from the […]

Waste Disposal Project – Jamaica

Location Chapelton & Summerfield, Clarendon, Jamaica, West Indies Community Description The two communities involved in this project are the St. Augustine’s Place of Safety and the Summerfield Boys Homes. These are two children’s homes in Clarendon. Neither home has a proper disposal system for the waste created by daily activities. Trash is currently burned, which […]

Conclusion of Fodé Bayo Health Hut Well – Senegal

Peace Corps Volunteer Amanda Wybot concluded the Fodé Bayo Health Hut Well – Senegal on schedule and within budget. To read about the beginning of this report, CLICK HERE. Her final report is so complete and descriptive, we are left with nothing more than to convey to her our heartfelt gratitude for a spectacular job, […]

Fruit Tree Reforestation – Dominican Republic

This project will create a fruit tree nursery to facilitate the growth of reforestation trees. The trees will be planted in the mountains and at the source of water in order to ensure continued rain, and protect the water supply for the participating communities. The project will be led by an association of 15 small […]

Conclusion of Holopeka Water Project – Tonga

To read about the start of this project CLICK HERE. The Holopeka Water Project was successfully completed, with results beyond all expectations. Despite difficulties encountered along the way, and the temporary evacuation of the project leader, the project was concluded by the community with great results. After the project was underway, Peace Corps Volunteer Alicia […]

Eco Education Project – Cape Verde

Water Charity is participating in a general Eco Education project being carried out by Peace Corps Volunteer L. Tai in Cape Verde. The Republic of Cape Verde consists of 10 islands (9 inhabited), located about 375 miles off the western coast of Africa, opposite Mauritania and Senegal. It is part of the Sahelian arid belt, […]

Santa Apolonia Composting Latrines Project – Guatemala

This is a project to build composting latrines in Santa Apolonia, Chimaltenango, Guatemala. It is being carried out under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Ellen Ostrow. In the municipality of Santa Apolonia, Ellen works with two rural agricultural communities, Chuaparal I—an indigenous population—and Cojulya—a primarily Ladino population. Over half of the 47 families in […]

Matinang Spring Water Project – Philippines

Water Charity is pleased to embark on a new partnership with Habitat for Humanity Philippines for the installation of a new water system in Matinang, Philippines. The first of three projects in Mindanao, it is the start of what will become a productive and ongoing relationship to serve the need for clean water in low-income […]

Pa Taan Daai Bathroom Project – Thailand

Location Pa Taan Daai Village, Chiang Rai, Thailand Community Description Pa Taan Daai Village is comprised of ethnic Northern Thai villagers. This project is being done at Pa Taan Daai Temple, which is attended by members of this village as well as the surrounding 3 villages. The temple also runs a school for those who […]

Conclusion of Kasese Latrine Seats for Disabled Project – Uganda

To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Bailey Shook, A Community Health Volunteer. Working directly with Rwenzori Empowerment Center-Kasese (RECKLAS), a local organization that provides services to community members in Kasese who are physically disabled, she was able to oversee […]