
Zeala Pump Project – Mali

Location Zeala, Koulikoro, Mali Community Description Zeala is a small village in the Koulikoro region of Mali, West Africa. It is located approximately 90 kilometers north-east of the capital, Bamako. Zeala has a population of 669 persons. The main language spoken and understood is Bamabara, and not French. There is no hospital, electricity, or running […]

Camaté -Shakaloke Pump Project – Benin

Location Camaté -Shakaloke, Benin Community Description Camaté -Shakaloke is in a beautiful part of Benin with large, tree- and farm-covered hills. It is located in the center of the southern quarter of Benin, about five miles to the northeast of Dassa, the nearest large city. It can be described as a poor rural West African […]

Rustavi School #10 Water Project – Georgia

Location 19th Micro-district, Rustavi, Georgia Community Description Georgia is bounded on the west by the Black Sea, on the north by Russia, on the south by Turkey and Armenia, and on the east by Azerbaijan. The independence of Georgia was restored in 1991. The country subsequently went through periods of economic crisis, civil unrest, and […]

Salapwuk Water Project – Micronesia

Location Salapwuk, Pohnpei, Micronesia Community Description Salapwuk is a small village of about 200 people, located in the mountains of Pohnpei, the largest island in the Federated States of Micronesia. It has a hot and humid tropical climate for most of the year, but a seasonal drought. Salapwuk’s residents are primarily subsistence farmers who grow […]

Khoukhate Water and Sanitation Project – Morocco

Location Iztate, Khoukhate, Caid Itzer, Circle Midelt, Province de Khenifra, Morocco Community Description Iztate is one of the small “douars” in the village of Khoukhate, a village that relies almost exclusively on agriculture and sheep herding for its survival. Khoukhate is located in the Middle Atlas region of Morocco in the shadow of the Eastern […]

Dioulafondu School Well Project – Senegal

Location Dioulafondu, Kedougou, Senegal Community Description Dioulafondu is a medium-sized village of roughly 800 people in the far southeast of Senegal. It is located 50 kilometers northeast of the regional capital of Kedougou, two kilometers off of the new national route to Mali, in the arrondissement of Bembou in the Kedougou region. The village has […]

Conclusion of Sokone Women’s Garden Well Project – Senegal

The project resulted in the construction of a well, which now provides water for irrigation of the community garden, and potable water for use by the rest of the community. To read about the start of this project, CLICK HERE. Laura Coberly writes: Thank you so much for making this project possible… The well is […]

Conclusion of Well Construction Project – Senegal

This project was completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Marisa Van Osdale. Our congratulations and gratitude are extended to her for the fine job she did in leading the community in this effort. To read about the beginning of this project CLICK HERE. A well was built in the primary school in Goudoude […]

Missirah Ouseman Community Garden Well Project – Senegal

Location Missirah Ouseman, Kolda, Senegal Community Description Missirah Ouseman, locally known as Ouseman Diay, is a Pulaar village situated 30 kilometers east of Kolda même and two kilometers off the road to Velingara. Founded by Ouseman Balde in 1963, the village has grown to 167 inhabitants with 15 heads of household. As subsistence farmers, the […]

Thiabedji Orchard Well – Senegal

Location Thiabedji, Region of Kedougou, Senegal Community Description Thiabedji is a village of approximately 1,200 people, located about 35 kilometers from Kedougou, the region’s capital city. It is considered a center point for about 10 smaller villages nearby, making it quite diverse linguistically and culturally. While Pular is the main language of Thiabedji, there is […]