$101 to $500

Basori Pump Repair Project – The Gambia

Location Basori, Western Region, The Gambia Community Description The village of Basori is a large village of 15,000 people, located about 40 km southeast of Banjul. The village has a nursery school, lower basic school, and also a clinic. Currently, the village has no safe drinking water and villagers drink out of open wells. These […]

Kuraw Arafang Community Garden Project – The Gambia

Location Kuraw Arafang, Sandu District, Upper River Region, The Gambia Community Description Kuraw Arafang is a small Mandinka community of about 850 residents located 3 km from the River Gambia. Mandinkas are known for their impressive farming and gardening abilities. The Village Development Community, consisting of the village elders, oversees all projects, from design through […]

Conclusion of Kuraw Arafang Community Garden Project – The Gambia

This project has been successfully completed, under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Kasey Pendexter. To see the history of the project CLICK HERE. The project was to build a new well to irrigate the community garden. Kasey reports: Despite having a torrential downpour 10 out of 16 days, Sanna and his well-digging crew have […]

Conclusion of Nyankui Well Garden Project – The Gambia

 This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Kasey Pendexter. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. The project was for a well to provide irrigation for the community garden. Kasey reports: The Nyankui garden well took a mere 17 days to complete. After receiving the money, Ebrima […]

Nyankui Well Garden Project – The Gambia

 Location Nyankui Village, Sandu District, Upper River Region, The Gambia Community Description Nyankui is a small village located in the Gambian bush consisting of roughly 1027 people. Nearly every person in the village earns an income by farming or selling vegetables at the local market. Nyankui has a hard-working, incredibly active women’s group with 135 […]

Magunga Township Secondary School Handwashing Station Project – Kenya

Location Magunga, Suba District, Nyanza Province, Kenya Community Description Magunga Township Secondary School is a young school located in a rural village near Lake Victoria in the scenic Gwassi Hills. The community is small and agriculturally based and the area is semi-arid with long periods of dryness as well as the problems of soil erosion […]

Corozal School Project – Guatemala

Location Corozal Coban, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, Central America Community Description Corozal is a small rural village that is surrounded by tropical jungle. There is no electricity available, but the community does have a system of pipes that delivers water to about 50% of the houses and the school from a nearby spring. The community is […]

Conclusion of Salima District Well Repairs Project – Malawi

Peace Corps Volunteer Gretchen Ruhl completed her service and was replaced by Peace Corps Volunteer Anya Russom, who, working with Kuti Wildlife Reserve Park Manager Gen Crisford, completed the project. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. Anya reports: Thanks to Water Charity for providing funds which were used to fix the boreholes in […]

Conclusion of Saré Pathé Bouya CEM Latrine Project – Senegal

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Jessica Chow. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. Jessica Reports: I’m glad to announce that the Sare Pathe Bouya CEM latrines are now completed. Construction began in late May, beginning with the digging of the pits for the latrine. […]

Conclusion of Sare Saedou Primary School Well Repair Project – Senegal

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Jessica Cochran. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. Jessica Reports: The Sare Saedou project started promptly after village meetings designated people for specific preparatory and labor tasks for refinishing the school well. The majority of the work fell on a few craftsmen from the village even though the upgrade benefits the teachers and the children from several surrounding villages. […]