Magunga Township Secondary School Handwashing Station Project – Kenya

Magunga, Suba District, Nyanza Province, Kenya

Community Description
Magunga Township Secondary School is a young school located in a rural village near Lake Victoria in the scenic Gwassi Hills. The community is small and agriculturally based and the area is semi-arid with long periods of dryness as well as the problems of soil erosion due to unsustainable farming practices and deforestation. Suba district is also among the communities most heavily affected by HIV in Kenya.

Problem Addressed
The Magunga Secondary School has little access to proper sanitation. The lack of handwashing stations makes the students susceptible to other illnesses particularly diarrhea.

Project Description
This project is to install 3 handwashing stations on the school grounds.

One 1,000-liter tank will be installed near the students’ latrines. It will contain 2 sinks (one for girls one for boys). One 210-liter tank with one sink will be placed at the staff latrines.

For each station, a platform will be constructed on which the tank (with taps) will be placed. A tin roof will be built and gutters will be attached so that rainwater can be harvested during the rainy season.

The school will provide the labor of a local carpenter, and the stations will be maintained by the school staff and student prefects.

The stations will be made of bricks and cement for durability. The sinks will use push tap faucets to reduce the water wastage.

Trees will be planted along with the drainage areas and will utilize the water from the drains.

Water Charity funds will pay for the tanks, as well as materials used to construct the platforms, roofing, and gutters.

Upon completion, the Peace Corps Volunteer will give the students and staff a lesson on hygiene and how to properly use the handwashing stations.

Project Impact
200 people will benefit from the project.

Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Margaret Guin and Kyle Babbitt

This is an important project that will improve the health and well-being of students, teachers, and staff.

Margaret previously completed the Magunga Township Secondary School Rainwater Harvesting Project – Kenya.

Dollar Amount of Project

Donations Collected to Date

Dollar Amount Needed
$0.00 – This project has been fully funded through the generosity of the Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Paula Schmid, of Findley, MN, USA, who served in Georgia and completed a project there with Water Charity.

This project has been concluded.  Upon the conclusion of service by the PCVs, the completion was left to an RPCV who lived in the area.