$1,001 to $2,000

Amboromana Well Project – Madagascar

Under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Felicia Tobias, this project is to build 4 wells in the Amboromana district of Vohemar, Madagascar. There are currently 360 families living in the area, with a population of 1,836 people. There is only one public tap serving all the families and it often runs dry. People have […]

Maui North Shore Beach Cleanup – USA

We are extremely pleased to announce a new partnership between Water Charity and Positive H2O (+H2O). To kick off the collaborative relationship, on October 24, 2010, Positive H2O will host a Coastal Cleanup on Maui’s North Shore as a part of Community Work Day’s island-wide “Get the Drift and Bag It” campaign. In addition, clean […]

Gregorio Ferro-Cement Tank and Rainwater Catchment Project – Brazil

This is a project to build a rainwater catchment system and ferro-cement tank in the village of Gregório, municipality of Queimadas, state of Bahia, in Brazil. Gregorio village has 321 families, comprised of 1100 inhabitants. Queimadas has 16,000 residents. The villagers suffer from water shortages and are dependent on water trucks that come to deliver […]

Los Uveros Water System Project – Dominican Republic

This project constitutes the first part of the overall Water Charity Ferro-Cement Tanks for the Dominican Republic and Haiti Program. It calls for the construction of an 11,000 liter ferro-cement tank for water storage in the community of Los Uveros, Altamira, Dominican Republic. The project is under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer and Engineer […]

Kologan Agroforestry Project – Togo

This project uses an agricultural technology known as alley cropping. Trees are planted in alleys and alternated with crops to improve soil quality, improve water retention, prevent erosion, provide wood for fodder and fuel, prevent deforestation, eliminate much labor and thus make a sustainable system of agriculture. A local river will provide water for needed […]

Women’s Center – Morocco

A Women’s Center is being built in a small community in Morocco. Water Charity is participating in this large project by funding the water and sanitation portions of the construction. The Women’s Center will be a place for women to spend time outside of the home, attending literacy classes and learning handicraft skills such as […]

School Flooding Remediation Project – Mexico

This is a project to remediate severe flooding at an elementary school, the Escuela Primaria “Estado de Colima, in El Male’ Chiapas, Mexico. This project is being implemented in partnership with the Sexto Sol Center, a U.S. 50(c)(3) non-profit, with a mission to contribute to the elimination of poverty and the restoration of the damaged […]

School Toilet Construction Project – Tanzania

This project will provide latrines for 316 students at a village primary school in Tanzania. It is being administered by Peace Corps Volunteer J. Meigel, of New York. School students currently do not have adequate sanitation facilities, relying on a drop toilet made of local organic materials, or going outside the school. The students, and […]