See our Kiang West Handpump Repair Tour Phase I
Missira Tenda; GPS: N13°18.140 W016°11.156; Population: 800
Missira Tenda is located at the edge of the River Gambia after crossing from Bintang Bolong, via Foni Bintang Karanai. It is a Mandinka community of roughly 800 people. It is a subsistence farming community growing groundnuts, millet and rice. This community is remote and most often forgotten. It has only one handpump, which serves the entire community and broke down over time. For a long while now, the community is using open wells for drinking and other household activities. According to the District public health officer, the village needs urgent intervention in clean water. Diarrhea and other waterborne diseases are very common, especially among children.
We will replace the cylinder, the conversion head, and install 5 stainless steel pipes, a new pedestal, tank, and concrete slab. The contractor will construct a new trough for the village ruminants and a handwashing station for sanitary water procurement.
Taborang Koto; GPS: N13°19.036 W016°10.792; Population: 300
The Village of Toborang Koto is located off the Trans-Gambia South Bank Road about 20 km off Sankandi Junction. It has a population of roughly 300 people. This remote village has only one handpump serving the entire village. As a result of the high pressure on the pump, as well as poor standard parts and repair, it keeps breaking down. This forces the villagers to use open wells, which causes sickness. The community is made up of the Mandinka tribe, who survive primarily by way of subsistence farming in groundnuts and millet.
We will replace the conversion head, install a new cylinder, 4 stainless steel pipes, a hand washing station, and a new concrete slab. The contractor will construct a new water trough for the village ruminants to drink from, which will help the community economically.

Jula Kunda; GPS: N13°19.918 W016°10.515; Population: 1,500
Jula Kunda is located about 25 km off the Trans-Gambia South Bank Road via Sankandi toward Karantaba Junction. This remote community is a subsistence farming community, growing groundnut, millet and rice. It is dominated by the Mandinka tribe. The community has two water sources: one of which has not been functional for a long while. As a result, the village experiences severe water scarcity and must travel long distances to neighboring villages searching for water. Women and girls are currently facing the brunt.
After dewatering and sanitizing the well, we will install a new cylinder, a new concrete slab, new rod couplings (stainless steel), and a new conversion head. The contractor will construct a new trough for the village ruminants to drink from, as well as a handwashing station.
Jali; GPS: N13°21.256 W015°57.955; Population: 2,500
Jali is located about 6 km off the Trans-Gambia South Bank Road via Sankandi. It is a Mandinka tribal community of roughly 2,500 people. It is a subsistence farming community, growing groundnut, millet, and rice. The Village has been suffering from lack of water due to the large number of people within the community, especially during the rainy season. The current water source is not enough to serve the entire village. As a result, some villagers have started to use the community’s open wells. Drinking from these wells poses health risks for the community.
We will install a new cylinder, a new conversion head, as well as new bearings and a new axle. The contractor will construct both a handwashing station and a new trough for the village livestock.

Bateling; GPS: N13°24.516 W015°50.630; Population: 2,000
Bateling is located about 5 km off the Trans-Gambia south Bank Road via Dumbuto. It is a community of about 2,000 people. The community is primarily made up of the Mandinka tribe. The village is historic, dating back centuries. The settlers of the village were descendants of Manding Royals in the Mali empire of 12th century Sundiata Keita. They are known as ‘’Sibikarang Mansa.’’ The village is also home to a small group of Fula herdsmen. The population of the community is far greater than the water sources available can accommodate, which leads to water scarcity. Like most small rural communities in The Gambia, Bateling is a subsistence farming community.
First, we will dewater and sanitize the well. Then we will install 6 stainless steel pipes with rods, replace the conversion head, pedestal, and check-nuts, as well as a handwashing station. The contractor will also construct a new trough for the village ruminants.

To read details about the conclusion report of the project, CLICK HERE. To read details about the Kiang West District Handpump Repair Tour Phase 1, CLICK HERE.