This project is made possible through the partnership of WATER CHARITY and the NATIONAL PEACE CORPS ASSOCIATION. 
Mahajoanivo, Arivonomamo District, Itasy Region, Madagascar
Community Description
Mahajoanivo is a small rural village in the Central Highlands of Madagascar. Mahajoanivo has 211 residents; most are farmers.
Problem Addressed
From July to November, the community of Mahajoanivo faces severe water shortages. They resort to fetching water where cows graze, which negatively affects the health and well-being of community members.
Project Description
This project is to deepen and refurbish an old and non-functional well. It will be outfitted with a sturdy handpump, and should provide adequate water to the entire village year-round. Two concreted culverts will protect the wall of the well.
A Water Committee will be established to direct the digging of the community water well, maintain the well, and educate the other community members on the importance of proper hygiene practices.
Community members will assist in the construction, maintenance, and sustainability of the well. These volunteers will educate the community on water and sanitation issues and will establish good working relationships with local stakeholders. The volunteers will be taught well-building and maintenance techniques to ensure the continued functioning of the Mahajoanivo well.
Funds from Water Charity will be used to deepen, condition, and line the well walls, and install a hand pump system on the existing well. The water displacement has been surveyed by a water engineer.
In addition, Water Charity funds will cover transportation and other well-related costs.
The construction and deepening of the well will be done by a small water well-building firm based in Antananarivo and volunteers from Mahajoanivo.

The following steps will be taken to ensure a successful execution:
1. Meet with the community of Mahajoanivo to discuss their water issues.
2. The community of Mahajoanivo creates a water committee to oversee the construction and long-term maintenance of the project.
3. A water engineer is brought to Mahajoanivo to survey the conditions and makes his recommendations on the construction of the well.
4. The community of Mahajoanivo will be trained on well construction and proper water and sanitation practices by a Health Peace Corps Volunteer.
5. The materials required for the project will be locally purchased and assembled.
6. The community along with the water engineer’s team will begin and complete all work on the well.
7. The water committee and the community at large will be trained on proper water well maintenance techniques by the water engineering team.
8. The community of Mahajoanivo will be retrained by a second Peace Corps Volunteer on proper water and sanitation practices.
9. The Water Committee will meet quarterly to inspect the water well to ensure its’ maintenance, indefinitely.
The project will include water testing and analysis by BushProof to meet all Peace Corps and governmental standards, and to ensure sustainability.
This project will certainly help to mitigate the spread of water-borne diseases and increase living standards in the community.
Project Impact
211 people will benefit.
Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Cesar Murillo
Monitoring and Maintenance
The Mahajoanivo Water Committee will be responsible for inspecting the water well on a quarterly basis.
This project falls under our East Africa Water & Sanitation Program, as well as our Training & Support Initiative. We would like to thank RPCV Maya Rao for her assistance in getting this project ready. RPCV Averill Strasser (and Water Charity COO) also assisted in refining and focusing the proposal for this project.
This project has been fully funded by the generosity of a donor who wishes to remain anonymous. This project has been completed. To see the results, CLICK HERE.