Remera-Rukoma Hospital Water Project – Phase 2 – Rwanda

Rukoma Sector, Kamonyi District, Southern Province of Rwanda

Community Description
Remera-Rukoma Hospital services the entire district of Kamonyi, accounting for approximately 265,365 Rwandan citizens. It is located an hour outside of Kigali. Although it relatively close to the capital it has only recently obtained electricity.

Remera-Rukoma Hospital offers consultation, mental health services, dentistry, testing for HIV, distribution of ARVs and maternity and pediatric wards, just to name a few. Under the leadership of its director, it is striving to achieve higher standards of care.

There is no running water in the maternity and Pediatric units of the hospital. Patients and staff are forced to gather water from water tanks by way of jerry cans and buckets.

Project Description
This project is to provide clean running water to the maternity and pediatric units of Remera-Rukoma Hospital.

There are parts of the system in place, such as water tanks, piping and some sinks, which can be salvaged and used in bringing water to the units.

Project funding will be used to make all necessary upgrades and repairs to the water system. Materials and fixtures, such as faucets, PVC piping, sinks, and toilets will be purchased locally as needed. The work will be done by trained professionals.

Project Impact
The hospital serves a district with 265,365 people. 3,252 women and children will benefit from this project within the pediatric and maternity wards each year.

Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Kimberly Skorupski

This project will run in tandem with the Remera-Rukoma Hospital Water Project – Phase 1 – Rwanda to bring water to the hospital at large.

Bringing running water to the indicated rooms will immediately elevate the quality of the services the hospital is able to provide, and thereby reduce illness and disease.

Dollar Amount of Project

Donations Collected to Date

Dollar Amount Needed
$0.00 – This project has now been fully funded through the generosity of Hack & Slash, who have designated Water Charity as beneficiaries of this year’s Hack and Slash Christmas Special in Color held in Baltimore, MD.

The project is dedicated in honor of Noelle Burke and Virginia Hess.

We encourage others to continue to donate using the Donate button below, and we will notify the PCV of your donation. Additional funds will be used to fund future projects in the country of service.

This project has been finished. To read about the conclusion of the project, CLICK HERE.