Mansa School Borehole Project – Zambia

Ntoposhi Village, Mansa District, Luapula Province, Zambia

Community Description
Luapula Province is located in the northeastern part of Zambia, sharing a border with the Democratic Republic of Congo.

There are 3 schools in the catchment area. The schools serve as venues for HIV/ AIDS education projects, VCT events, hygiene and prevention sessions, peer educators, and male and female youth club. There are projects involving permaculture, gardening, and appropriate technology. These activities focus on crop diversification, progressive farming methods, and alternative fuel initiatives.

Mansa School Borehole Project - ZambiaProblem Addressed
The schools facilitate students living in rural villages from preschool to grade nine. The schools currently lack appropriate water sources. As a result, students, teachers, and members of surrounding communities travel long distances to obtain water for consumption and frequent unprotected water sources, such as local streams.

The lack of a clean water source results in the frequent illness of students and teachers from waterborne diseases and creates problems with sanitation within school facilities.

In 2009, an NGO installed play pumps with water towers. However, the pumps only worked for one year.

Project Description
This project is to install a new borehole at each of the 3 schools.

A borehole is a deep well with a hand pump, and can last a lifetime with proper maintenance. Afridev hand pumps will be used, and are capable of lifting water from depths of about 45 meters.

The work will be done by skilled technicians. Some of the existing structures will be utilized. On the first day, there will be some demolition and installation of the pedestals. Then, after one week, allowing the pedestals to cure, the pumps and PVC piping will be installed

Each installation will include a runoff area, drain, and soak pit.Mansa School Borehole Project - Zambia

Water Charity is participating in cooperation with the Peace Corps Partnership Program, and is providing funds for the materials.

The community will provide the sand and perform the unskilled labor.

The communities have created action plans regarding borehole maintenance, budgeting for spare parts, security, and sensitization of students, teachers, and surrounding communities.

The three primary schools have plans to host school orchards and gardens, and to complete construction projects which have been delayed due to a lack of water.

Project Impact
2,000 students will benefit from the boreholes and 4,000 people in total will benefit within the first year of use.

Project Director
Emily McKeone, Peace Corps Volunteer

The project will impact the three communities by providing access to a clean water source, thereby improving health and sanitation, leading to improved school attendance. Emily has since gone back to Zambia after Closing, and is doing 13 more schools with Water Charity as part of our Water For Zambia program as an RPCV!

Fundraising Target

Funds raised in excess of the project amount will be allocated to other projects in the country.

Donations Collected to Date

Dollar Amount Needed

Donations of any amount will be appreciated. The full amount will give you “naming rights”, if that is something you would like.

This project has been completed. To see the results, CLICK HERE.