Munyeki Village, Ol’Kalou Constituency, Central Province, Kenya
Community Description
The community of Munyeki Village is comprised of 1,000 people, spread out into farming plots. The population is primarily Kikuyu tribe, consisting of substance farmers.
The La-Palma Self-Help Group of the Munyeki Village consists of 15 dedicated members. The group works together on a number of projects including beehives, chicken raising, an orchard, and a greenhouse, which produces 500 tomato plants. The group is also involved in visiting and working with orphans within their village.
Problem Addressed
As of now, the greenhouse is prospering. However, once the rainy season ends the group will be unable to supply sufficient water to each of the plants.
The dry season lasts about 4 months which eliminates an entire harvesting cycle.
Project Description
This project is to construct a drip irrigation system to supply the group with enough water to enable plant production through the dry season.
The system will consist of a 5,000-liter tank built on a foundation, gutters on the roof, and piping connecting the gutters to the tank. The stand will be built next to the greenhouse, which is built on the land of a group member.
The members of the group will build the wooden gravity stand for the tank from timber they have cut themselves, as well as provide most of the funds for a drip irrigation kit, including a drip line and PVC.
Water Charity funds will be used to purchase the 5,000 Liter tank, part of the drip irrigation kit, including a 250-liter tank, and connectors, as well as for transport of the materials.
The project will provide a continuous supply of water throughout the year, minimize water wastage during the rainy season, increase the production of tomatoes by each plant receiving an adequate amount of water and will ease the application of fertilizers.
With the funds they gain from the production of tomatoes, the group will be able to reach and assist more orphans within their community with hopes to create a youth center for them in the near future.
Project Impact
Beneficiaries include the 15 members, plus 50 children under the age of 15 whom they assist.
Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Brittany Werkheiser
This project provides health and economic benefits that will accrue to the group members, as well as those they help in the community, for many years to come.
Brittany previously completed the Kidumfa Primary School Rainwater Catchment Project – Kenya the Huhuini Primary School Rainwater Catchment Project – Kenya, and the St. Thomas Primary School Rainwater Catchment Project – Kenya.
Dollar Amount of Project
Donations Collected to Date
Dollar Amount Needed
$0.00 – This project has been fully funded, through the generosity of Michael and Carla Boyle, of Nelsonville, OH, USA.
This project has been finished. To read about the conclusion of the project, CLICK HERE.