This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Brianna Casciello. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
A brief summary of the completion report for Jachaspampa and San Pedro Sanitary Latrine Project – Peru follows:
The original scope of the project was to construct 40 Sanitary Dry Ventilated Pit Latrines in the homes of families from the two villages. In the end 75 latrines were constructed. A specialist designated an adequate location for each latrine site. These bathrooms have an estimated useful life of 12 years, largely depending on the number of family members using the latrine.
The community contributed labor and local resources, including adobe blocks. Recipients were responsible for digging their own latrine pits, as well as assisting other families headed by single mothers to build their latrine pits.
The families received training on how to properly construct their latrine pits. Two masons were hired to construct the cement platforms. These same masons helped the families’ implement their latrine stalls
In addition, families installed Tippy Taps (simple and economical hand-washing stations), initiated water treatment practices, and committed to dispose of their trash in the community landfills.
After construction, bi-monthly visits were planned to families by health promoters to ensure the continuation of healthy practices and habits as well as the use and maintenance of the sanitary latrines.
Twice a month families will be required to attend health and education talks on themes such as hand washing, consumption of safe drinking water, trash management, organic gardening, and construction and maintenance of the latrines.
Not only were the 40 planned latrines and stalls completed, but additional funding was obtained from the district government as well as World Connect which allowed for 69 families to have latrines as well as a community meeting place, two kindergartens and 2 primary schools.
Five community training were completed to teach about health and education topics such as hand washing, consumption of safe drinking water, trash management, organic gardening, and construction and maintenance of the latrine. Three of the five individual house visits to the beneficiaries to help promote healthy practices and maintenance of the latrines have been completed.
Two community clean ups have taken place with the participation of beneficiaries and students from one elementary school, which included a total of 676 kilograms of trash collected.
“Families are making the basic changes in their homes to improve the health of themselves and their families.” – Aquila Altamirano Limas, Project leader
We would like to thank Brianna once again for executing this project. We are honored to have been involved in helping this wonderful community.