Jachaspampa and San Pedro Sanitary Latrine Project – Peru

Jachaspampa and San Pedro communities, Huayllan District, Pomabamba Province, Ancash Department, Peru

Community Description
Jachaspampa and San Pedro, with populations of 102 and 162 people respectively, are two of 16 small farming annexes of Huayllan. Both communities are entirely dependent on subsistence farming, mainly potato and wheat products.

Both communities are highly impoverished and lack basic resources, such as electricity, a secure source of water, and adequate sanitation facilities. While traditional and extremely poor, these Quechua-speaking families are humble and generous.

Presently, more than half of the children 5 years and younger from these two communities have chronic malnutrition (Health Post Acobamba, January 2012). Meanwhile, 37.5% of children 3 years of age or younger have been diagnosed with anemia (Testing completed by the Health Post Acobamba: December 5, 2011), and 50% have one or more parasitical infections (Testing completed by the Health Post Acobamba, October 12, 2011).

Project Description
This project provides for the construction of 40 sanitary latrines (Sanitary Dry Ventilated Pit Latrines) in the homes of families from the two villages.

Using this technology groundwater will not be affected. A specialist has designated an adequate location for each latrine site. These bathrooms have an estimated useful life of 12 years, largely depending on the number of family members using the latrine.

The community will contribute labor and local resources, including adobe blocks. Recipients are responsible for digging their own latrine pits, as well as assisting other families headed by single mothers to build their latrine pits.

Beforehand, the families will receive training on how to properly construct their latrine pits. Two masons will be hired to construct the cement platforms over the course of 4-5 days. These same masons will help the families implement their latrine stalls.

In addition, families are responsible to install Tippy Taps (simple and economical hand-washing stations), initiate water treatment practices, and dispose of their trash in the community landfills.

Project funds will be used to purchase materials, including cement, rebar, PVC piping, steel sheets, and hardware.

The local government will provide a portion of the project cost in cash and materials.

After construction, bi-monthly visits will be paid to families by health promoters to ensure the continuation of healthy practices and habits as well as the use and maintenance of the sanitary latrines.

Twice a month families will be required to attend health and education talks on themes such as hand washing, consumption of safe drinking water, trash management, organic gardening, and construction and maintenance of the latrine.

Project Impact
179 people in the communities (43 male, 45 female, 52 boys and 39 girls) will benefit from the project.

Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Brianna Casciello

The project will reduce the incidence of diarrheal diseases, parasites and malnutrition, particularly among children under 5 years of age.

Dollar Amount of Project

Donations Collected to Date

Dollar Amount Needed
$0.00 – This project has been fully funded, through the generosity of the Elmo Foundation.

We encourage others to continue to donate using the Donate button below, and we will notify the Peace Corps Volunteer of your donation. Additional funds will be used to fund the next project by the PCV and/or those of other PCVs in the country of service.

This project has been completed. To see the results, CLICK HERE.