This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Ryan Sherman. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to dig a well, install a pump and water supply system, and build 2 hand washing stations at the school.
Ryan reports:
My project went very well and Apeni School in the Lagodekhi Region of Kekheti, Georgia, now has two new much needed sinks and a brand new well.
The well was dug by local workmen, who also dug rock drains, installed the pump, piping, and holding tank on top of the school.
Of great help was one of our PE teachers who directed the labor, and made the final decision on sink placement. The two sinks are located outside, on either side of the walkway that connects the two sections of the school. One is next to the door that leads to the teacher’s toilet, and the other next to the door that leads to the student’s toilets. They are both used frequently for washing hands.
We are grateful to Ryan for completing this project, and to Judy Wilson for providing the funding.