SLOW LIFE Foundation

La Colorada Arriba Water System Tank Project – Dominican Republic

This project is the third project to be implemented under the Water Charity Ferro-Cement Tanks for the Dominican Republic and Haiti Program. It calls for the construction of a 50,000-liter Ferro-cement tank for water storage to serve the community of La Colorada Arriba, Dominican Republic. It is the largest and most ambitious undertaking, and offers significant […]

Conclusion of Daga Soukoum Latrine Project – Senegal

This project, to build ten simple pit latrines in the village, has been completed under the technical direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Mary Haviland. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. Mary Reports: All the supplies were bought from local hardware stores and transported to the village. The cement and pipes were […]

Daga Soukoum Latrine Project – Senegal

Location  Daga Soukoum, Fatick, Senegal Community Description Daga Soukoum is a small village in the Djilor area, department of Foundiougne, region of Fatick, Senegal. It has a total of 222 people living in 13 homesteads with 34 households or families. The name of the village chief is Omar Guissé. The community has no electricity or […]

Conclusion of Saint Leonard School Handwashing Station Project – Rwanda

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Jennifer Ambrose. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. This project was to purchase and install four 50-liter water tanks, which will serve as handwashing stations near the latrines and near the classrooms. Jennifer reports: The Saint Leonard School Handwashing Station […]

Saint Leonard School Handwashing Station Project – Rwanda

Location Nyagatare Sector, Nyagatare District, Rwanda Community Description Located in northeastern Rwanda and bordering both Uganda and Tanzania, Nyagatare District is Rwanda’s largest and most rural district. It is populated largely by returned refugees who fled Rwanda during the civil and ethnic conflict that began at independence and culminated in the 1994 genocide. The area […]

Groupe Scolaire Nyagatare Handwashing Station Project – Rwanda

Location Nyagatare Cell, Nyagatare Sector, Nyagatare District, Rwanda Community Description Located in northeastern Rwanda and bordering both Uganda and Tanzania, Nyagatare District is Rwanda’s largest and most rural district. It is populated largely by returned refugees who fled Rwanda during the civil and ethnic conflict that began at independence in 1960 and culminated in the […]

Conclusion of Non Khun School Water Project – Thailand

This project has been completed under the technical direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Sarah Brooks. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. Sarah reports: The project was completed in a timely fashion, and students, teachers, and community members, have been enjoying the clean water that they now have access to. Students are now […]

Non Khun School Water Project – Thailand

Location Non Kahm, Thailand Community Description The village of Non Khun is a small rural community sustained mostly by agriculture. The weather is hot and dry, and 95% of the income of villagers comes from planting rice and secondary crops, such as chili peppers, corn and tomatoes. The village relies on rainfall during the months […]

Lom Yen Community Hall Bathroom Project – Thailand

Location Lom Yen, Non Khun District, Sisaket Province, Thailand Community Description Lom Yen is one of the larger villages in the heart of Non Khun District, Sisaket Province, Northeastern Thailand. The majority of villagers in the community are rice farmers, deriving their income from the harvest once a year and other small business endeavors such […]