National Peace Corps Association

Diankancounda Ogeul Well Improvement Project – Senegal

Location Diankancounda Ogeul, Mampatim District, Kolda Region, Senegal Community Description Diankancounda Ogeul is a village of roughly 920 people, divided into 6 neighborhoods. It has a primary school and will be receiving a CEM next school year. There is a health hut, as well, but it is not currently functioning. Most families make their living as […]

Kyanguli Secondary School Rainwater Harvesting Project – Phase 2 – Kenya

Location Kyanguli, Kibwezi District, Makueni County, Eastern Province, Kenya Community Description Kyanguli is a very small village, located approximately 16 km off the main highway between Nairobi and Mombasa. Once part of the large Tsavo game reserve, the area has seen a dramatic increase in population in the past decade. The increase in population has […]

Conclusion of St. Joseph’s Girls School Water Project – Kenya

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Dave Rowson. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to build a water system for irrigation. Although Dave was forced to leave the site during the implementation, he followed through to ascertain that the project was completed, and […]

St. Joseph’s Girls School Water Project – Kenya

Location Kakrigu, Mbita Township, Rusinga Island, Homa Bay County, Nyanza Province, Kenya Community Description The project is located on Rusinga Island close to St. Joseph’s Girls School (St. Joseph’s). It comprises the shamba ( small subsistence farm for growing crops and fruit-bearing trees) owned and being brought into cultivation by St. Joseph’s and the Waware […]

Salemata Region Latrine Project Kedougou – Senegal

This project is made possible through the partnership of Water Charity and the National Peace Corps Association. Location Salemata Region, Kedougou, Senegal Community Description Salemata is an agricultural village of over 600 people in the Kedougou region of Senegal.  This is where the project originated but because of the extensive need in the region for […]

Ampasimbola Well Project – Madagascar

Location Ampasimbola, District Amparafaravola, Madagascar Community Description Antsakoana is a small village south of the town Amparafaravola located in the Eastern part of Madagascar. Ampasimbola is one of 20 communes in District Amparafaravola. The district of Amparafaravola, is located in a large rice-producing area near Lake Alaotra in central Madagascar. Rice farming is seasonal work […]

Kewoye Latrine Project, Phase 2 – Senegal

Location Kewoye, Kedougou, Senegal Community Description Kewoye is a rural community 90 km west of Kedougou in southeastern Senegal, just 35 km from the Guinean border. It has a population of about 600 people. The vast majority of residents are farmers. The primary crops grown are rice, corn, peanuts, and cotton. A few men participate […]

Conclusion of San Pablo Tetlapayac Dry Toilet Project – Mexico

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Christopher Clipper. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.   Christopher’s report on the project Goal: Build the material capacity of the community by completing a fully functional environmental interpretation center that incorporates environmental protection. WC Objectives: 1. Build a dry bathroom for […]