National Peace Corps Association

Ititu Primary School Rainwater Catchment Project – Kenya

Location Katangini Town, Katangini Zone, Kalawa Division, Eastern Province, Kenya Community Description Kalawa Division is situated in the desert, and while there is enough rain during the rainy seasons, the dry months (February, March, August, September, October, and November) are difficult. Ititu Primary School has 467 students, 255 male and 212 female, and 18 teachers. […]

Conclusion of Ilela Primary School Nyota Water Project – Tanzania

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Arik Yetwin. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to build a water catchment and storage system for the school. Arik reports: Ilela Primary School Nyota Head Teacher Erick Ndunguru reflected: “In the span of two days, my […]

Ilela Primary School Nyota Water Project – Tanzania

Location Ilela Village, Mbinga District, Ruvuma Region, Tanzania Community Description Ilela Village is located in the region of Ruvuma, in the district of Mbinga. Prior to the founding of Ilela in 1976, there existed two neighboring villages named Mikalanga and Malindino, both of which were founded in 1974. Thereafter, Ilela was founded by a consortium […]

Conclusion of Novomykolaivka, School Number Two Water Project – Ukraine

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Robert Snow. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to build a water storage system and install water heaters at the school. Robert reports: I am pleased to announce that the project was finished at my school! The […]

Alim Protected Spring Project – Cameroon

Location Alim/Ameng-up, Boyo Division, Northwest Region, Cameroon Community Description The Boyo Division is located in the Northwest Region of Cameroon. The predominant ethnic group is the Kom people, renowned for their hospitality and work ethic. Alim is a village of approximately 850-1,000 residents. Boyui is a neighboring village downhill, with an approximate population of 750-950 […]

Conclusion of Alim Protected Spring Project – Cameroon

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Stephen Cormier. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to build a protected spring in Alim. Stephen reports: The project was an overall success. We (the Water Management Committee (WMC), community and local NGO) set out to use […]

Menka Protected Spring Project – Cameroon

Location Menka, Mezam Division, Northwest Region, Cameroon Community Description Menka is a village with a small population that is spread over a vast land area. Menka people are predominately farmers and act as the breadbasket for much of Cameroon and many neighboring countries. They are a wonderfully hospitable people and incredible business/work-oriented. Presently the village […]

Conclusion of Menka Protected Spring Project – Cameroon

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Stephen Cormier. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to build a protected spring in Menka. Stephen reports: The project was a great success. We (the WMC, community and local NGO) set out to use the funding provided […]

Liakom Protected Spring Project – Cameroon

Location Liakom, Fundong Subdivision, Boyo Division, Northwest Region, Cameroon Community Description The Boyo Division is located in the Northwest Region of Cameroon. The predominant ethnic group is the Kom people, but there are also Hausa and Mbororo’s in the sub-division as well. Liakom is traditionally known as the location of the Kom Palace. However, in […]

Kasyelia Handwashing Station Project – Kenya

Location Kasyelia Village, Makueni District, Eastern Province, Kenya Community Description Kasyelia is rurally located about an hour from the paved road. The community is made up of farmers. Men and women both work in the fields. Women do the housework, which involves collecting water from the Ngwani or Thwake Rivers nearby. Houses are basic and […]