National Peace Corps Association

Primary School of Xol Xol Niangen Water Project – Senegal

Location Xol Xol Niangen, Department of Linguere, Louga Region, Senegal Community Description   Xol Xol Niangen is a small community of about 600 people predominantly of the Wolof ethnic group. The male adult population is made up of primarily farmers who travel to work in the dry season and return in the rainy season to work […]

Conclusion of Kharkhorin Main Hospital Water Purification Project – Mongolia

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Nicholas Swope. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to purchase and install a four-filter water purification system to provide safe water for the hospital. Nicholas reports: The water filter was successfully installed in a high-traffic area in […]

Sector Laguna Water and Sanitation Project – Peru

Location Sector Laguna, Chiclin, La Libertad, Peru Community Description Sector Laguna is a marginalized sector consisting of around 65 families on the outskirts of the coastal town of Chiclin, La Libertad, Peru (pop. 7,000). As a former invasion community that arrived from the sierra of La Libertad in the 1970s, the community has been continually […]

Conclusion of Sector Laguna Water and Sanitation Project – Peru

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Travis Martin. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was designed to bring water to about 20 homes in the community, where working toilets would be installed. In actuality 25 homes and a school were completed. Travis reports: The […]

Melitopol Cultural Center Bathroom Project – Ukraine

Location Melitopol, Melitopolskyi Raion, Zaporizhia Oblast, Ukraine Community Description Melitopol is a city of 160,000 people, the second largest city in the Zaporizhia Oblast, and located in South Eastern Ukraine. The city was founded in 1784 by a decree of Empress Catherine II. As part of the Soviet Union, the city quickly became a major […]

Conclusion of EORM Paraje Choyer-Kabal Water Project – Guatemala

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Monica Echavarria. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was originally designed to build three individual tanks for storage to provide for the water needs of the school. It evolved to a better solution to use one larger tank, […]

Dimboli Community Garden Well Project – Senegal

Location Dimboli, Kedougou, Senegal Community Description Dimboli is the capital of the Dimboli Community Rurale, located about 40 km South East of Kedougou City. It has a population of about 1,500 people, most of whom are between the ages of 5-18 years of age. Home to the only college in the Community Rurale, Dimboli is […]

Conclusion of Dimboli Community Garden Well Project – Senegal

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Christopher Cintas. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to upgrade the well at the Dimboli community garden and fruit tree orchard by increasing its depth and reinforcing its walls. Christopher reports: The process and completion of the […]

Conclusion of Saré Pathé Bouya Latrine Project – Senegal

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Cibyl Delaire. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to build 9 latrines in Saré Pathé Bouya. Cibyl reports: The Sare Pathe Bouya latrine project was a success! Work in the community began as soon as I heard […]

Saré Pathé Bouya Latrine Project – Senegal

Location Saré Pathé Bouya, Department of Kolda, Region of Kolda, Senegal Community Description Saré Pathé Bouya is a village of approximately 500 people located in the region of Kolda in southern Senegal. It is about 7 km north of National Route 6 near  Mampatim. Most of the population belongs to the Mandinka ethnic group, but […]