National Peace Corps Association

EORM Xoljoc Handwashing Station Project – Guatemala

Location Paraje Xoljoc, Aldea Pitzal, Momostenango, Totonicapan Community Description Paraje Xoljoc is located off of the Inter-American Highway on Km 210 heading towards Huehuetenango. It consists of approximately 1,000 inhabitants. The native language is known as K’iche’ (Quiche), but Spanish is spoken by over 99% of the men and is understood by most women. The […]

Conclusion of EORM Xoljoc Handwashing Station Project – Guatemala

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Daniel Landeros. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to build a handwashing station at the school. Daniel reports: EORM Xoljoc parents’ committee was determined to finish the project by early January. They had no other option, given […]

Conclusion of Remera-Rukoma Hospital Water Project – Phase 1 – Rwanda

This project was completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Edison Reyes. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to fix damaged and broken pipes leading to nine patient recovery rooms, the operating room and consultation rooms. Edison reports: Remera-Rukoma Hospital in Kamonyi District fixed their broken pipes and […]

Remera-Rukoma Hospital Water Project – Phase 1 – Rwanda

Location Rukoma Sector, Kamonyi District, Southern Province, Rwanda Community Description The Sector of Rukoma is located in the District of Kamonyi. It is a rural site with minimal access to goods. Kamonyi District is located in the Southern Province and is made up of 12 Sectors. The Sector of Rukoma lies an hour west of […]

Conclusion of Remera-Rukoma Hospital Water Project – Phase 2 – Rwanda

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Kimberly Skorupski. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to provide clean running water to the maternity and pediatric units of Remera-Rukoma Hospital. Kimberly reports: After completion of Phase 1, the Facilities Manager was able to buy the […]

Remera-Rukoma Hospital Water Project – Phase 2 – Rwanda

Location Rukoma Sector, Kamonyi District, Southern Province of Rwanda Community Description Remera-Rukoma Hospital services the entire district of Kamonyi, accounting for approximately 265,365 Rwandan citizens. It is located an hour outside of Kigali. Although it relatively close to the capital it has only recently obtained electricity. Remera-Rukoma Hospital offers consultation, mental health services, dentistry, testing […]

Conclusion of Radionovka Sanitation Project – Ukraine

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Alexis Ward. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. This project was to create sinkholes to eliminate raw sewage surrounding the building. Alexis reports: My project was to create a septic system for an apartment building and to put an end […]

Radionovka Sanitation Project – Ukraine

Location Radionovka, Ukraine Community Description Radionovka is a small village of 1,500 people, located near the most polluted city in all of Europe, Kryvy Rog, Ukraine. The community does not have running water. However it has local river water piped into water stations throughout the village for local use. The water in the water stations […]

Conclusion of Baolala Hygiene Project – Kenya

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Nicholas Shen. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. This project was to construct 7 handwashing stations at the most critical places in the community of Baolala. Nicholas reports: The Baolala Hygiene Project was started in October, 2010, in collaboration with […]