National Peace Corps Association

Lom Yen Community Hall Bathroom Project – Thailand

Location Lom Yen, Non Khun District, Sisaket Province, Thailand Community Description Lom Yen is one of the larger villages in the heart of Non Khun District, Sisaket Province, Northeastern Thailand. The majority of villagers in the community are rice farmers, deriving their income from the harvest once a year and other small business endeavors such […]

Unión Cantinil Reforestation Project – Guatemala

Location Unión Cantinil, Huehuetenango, Guatemala Community Description Unión Cantinil is a newly-minted municipality located deep in the highlands in Northern Huehuetenango. Formed as a union five years ago between two largely ignored villages, they have for the first time been able to help themselves and make development a real priority in the area. They now […]

Conclusion of Akhaltsikhe Boys’ Fitness Center Sanitation Project – Georgia

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Sean Fredericks. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to renovate the bathroom and shower facilities at the Akhaltsikhe Boys’ Fitness Center. Sean reports: This project was designed to renovate the shower and toilet facilities at the […]

Shatsk Forest College Water Project – Ukraine

Location Shatsk, Ukraine Community Description The town of Shatsk, with 6,000 people, is located in the northwestern corner of Ukraine, near the borders of Poland (15 km) and Belorussia (22 km). The town is located east of a natural border, called The River Bug, and in the heart of the Shatsk National Natural Park which […]

Impilo Community Center Pump Project – South Africa

Location Vaalbank (aka Libangeni), Mpumalanga Province, South Africa Community Description Vaalbank, located about 90 km NE of Pretoria, is about 1 sq mile in area, and the extension area adjoining it about a third that size. All but a few of the streets are dirt. This region of South Africa is very water-challenged. Although most houses […]

Hagati Secondary School Rainwater Catchment System Project – Tanzania

This project is made possible through the partnership of WATER CHARITY and the NATIONAL PEACE CORPS ASSOCIATION. LocationHagati Secondary School (Mbinga), Ruvuma Tanzania Community DescriptionHagati Secondary school is a small government school in rural Tanzania, about 2 hours southwest of Mbinga. There are approximately 285 students and 30 teachers at the school, with about half […]

Conclusion of Essau Senior Secondary School Water Project – The Gambia

This project has been completed on schedule and within budget under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Brian Sisco. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. Brian reports: After picking up the funds I met with the ESSS Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and along with a representative we went and purchased the pipes […]

Conclusion of Bangu Well Project – Malawi

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Amy Cross. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to build and improve wells in the community. Amy reports: I completed the project shortly before being transferred to a new site. Four wells were improved. The volunteer who […]

Conclusion of Saint Leonard School Handwashing Station Project – Rwanda

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Jennifer Ambrose. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. This project was to purchase and install four 50-liter water tanks, which will serve as handwashing stations near the latrines and near the classrooms. Jennifer reports: The Saint Leonard School Handwashing Station […]