
Family Latrines Project – Benin

Benin, formerly known as Dahomey, is a country in West Africa, with Togo on the west, Nigeria on the east and Burkina Faso and Niger on the north. It has a short coastline on the south leading to the Bight of Benin. About a third of the population lives below the international poverty line of […]

Liceul of Corlateni Water Project – Moldova

Location Liceul Liviu Damian, village of Corlăteni, Rîşcani district, Republic of Moldova Community Description Corlateni is located in the northern part of Moldova in the Riscani region, with a population of 5,500, according to census data. Within this population, 1,100 members of the community attend the local schools. In the Liceul of Corlăteni there are […]

El Alto del Aguacate Well Project – El Salvador

Location Caserio El Alto del Aguacate, Canton Corralito, Municipio de Corinto, Departamento de Morazan, El Salvador, Central America Community Description El Alto del Aguacate is a beautiful rural community of 601 people, filled with pine trees and nestled atop a mountain ridge in northeast El Salvador. The community lacks job opportunities, resources, and land for […]

La Laquish Alto Latrines Project – Peru

Location La Laquish Alto, San Pablo, Cajamarca, Peru Community Description La Laquish Alto, which derives its name from a Quechuan word meaning “water,” is a small community of approximately 130 families. Most community members work year-round in agriculture, producing peas, wheat, corn, and potatoes. La Laquish Alto is considered a zone of extreme poverty due […]

Conclusion of Thmar Puok Bathroom Project – Cambodia

To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. Peace Corps Volunteer Kelsey Hedrick has successfully completed this project on schedule and within budget. All of the objectives set forth in the project page have been met. Water Charity extends its deepest gratitude to Kelsey for accomplishing this excellent project, and we look forward […]

Kula Borehole Repair Project – Malawi

Location Kula Village, Ntchisi District, Central Malawi Community Description Kula is a very rural farming community. Subsistence farming of maize, soy, beans, groundnuts, and tobacco is the primary source of income of the villagers. The vast majority of the homes are made of mud-brick with thatched roofs. This project will be done at the Kula […]

Kolda Well Repair Project – Senegal

Location This project will help five villages in the region of Kolda, Senegal. The villages of Goundaga, Linguewal, Sarre Nianthio, Sarre Keita, and Sarre Niappo are 105 km east of the city of Kolda, and located just south of the national highway. Community Description The communities are 100% Pulaar with the overwhelming majority being Fula […]

Bisate Health Center Water Project – Rwanda

Location Bisate Health Center, Kinigi Sector, Musanze District, Northern Province, Rwanda Community Description Bisate is a rural, impoverished community located in a region of Rwanda that receives consistent and abundant rainfall throughout the year. The Bisate Health Center provides vital services to the community, including deliveries, consultations, wound dressing, laboratory procedures and basic hygiene procedures, […]

Conclusion of Cotova Water Supply Project – Moldova

The Cotova Water Supply Project – Moldova has been completed under the able direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Justin Allen. Justin’s report shows how a small amount of assistance delivered precisely when needed can accomplish a tremendous amount for an entire community. To read about the background of this project, CLICK HERE. Justin reports: We […]