
Conclusion of KRTTI Water Project – Liberia

This project has been completed under the technical direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Denise Hilliard. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. This project was to provide a permanent water supply to the fixtures in the Kakata Rural Teacher Training Institute building, including the sink and the dishwashing station, and to enclose […]

Conclusion of La Laquish Alto Latrines Project – Peru

This project has been completed under the technical direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Samantha Kerr. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. The project was to build 10 hand-dug, ventilated, concrete pit latrines for the community. Samantha reports: Despite a few setbacks due to a late rainy season and a few uncooperative […]

Conclusion of La Joya Water System Project – El Salvador

This project has been completed under the technical direction of Peace Corps Volunteers Jim Hooper & Linsey Hackett. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. The project called for the construction of a central point for potable water for presently unserved members of the community. A hub was located at the school […]

Conclusion of Community Latrine Project – Panama

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Kathleen Fraser. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. Kathleen reports: All 20 latrines were finished on time and it was a really positive learning experience for everyone. She went on to thank, on behalf of the latrine committee president […]

Stonehenge Water Project – Jamaica

Location Stonehenge, Jamaica Community Description Stonehenge is a very remote community that once was a major stop on the railway line that connected Jamaica’s capitol Kingston with Montego Bay. When the train line was decommissioned in 1993 Stonehenge’s economy was devastated. Today, the majority of the remaining Stonehenge residents are small-scale farmers and wood carvers […]

Dariganga Village Water Filter Project – Mongolia

Location Dariganga Village, Sukhbaatar Province, Mongolia Community Description Dariganga Village is a small community of 2,800 people and is home to one of the most sacred mountains in Mongolia (Altan Ovoo) as well as the only summer camp in the province. This summer there will be over 500 children attending summer camp over a period […]

Los Uveros Water System Project – Dominican Republic

This project constitutes the first part of the overall Water Charity Ferro-Cement Tanks for the Dominican Republic and Haiti Program. It calls for the construction of an 11,000 liter ferro-cement tank for water storage in the community of Los Uveros, Altamira, Dominican Republic. The project is under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer and Engineer […]

Conclusion of Kerr Ardo Well Repair Project – The Gambia

This project has been completed under the technical direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Mallory Pohlman. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. Mallory informs us that, with the repair of 5 pumps, the community now has 6 working water pumps! The funding first went toward those pumps needing major repairs, while additional […]

Punta Sirain Water System Project – Panama

This project is to provide water for a community through a system comprised of a spring catchment box, an aqueduct system, neighborhood tap stands, and a series of individual home rainwater catchment installations. The combination of the improved spring source and distribution system, together with the rainwater catchment tanks, will give everyone in the community […]

Aldea Miman Moq'lil Water Project – Guatemala

Location Aldea Miman Moq’lil, Santa Eulalia, Huehuetenango, northwestern Guatemala Community Description This indigenous Mayan community inhabits a small rural mountainside village in the north of the department of Huehuetenango, Guatemala. The roughly one thousand inhabitants, comprising some one hundred families, are among the poorest people in the municipality and the region. Homes are simple, usually […]