
Conclusion of Amindratombo School Well Project – Madagascar

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Tisa Kunkee. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to build a well at the primary school in the village of Amindratombo to provide drinking water for the students. Tisa reports: The primary school director, teachers, students and […]

Amindratombo School Well Project – Madagascar

Location Village of Amindratombo, Commune Rural Sahambavy, District Lalangina, Madagascar Community Description The community of Sahambavy, located in the southern highlands of Madagascar, consists of approximately 17,000 people spread across 10 villages. Sahambavy is known for all of the tea production in Madagascar, is a stop on the last operating train routes in country, and […]

Conclusion of Amindratombo School Latrine Project – Madagascar

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Tisa Kunkee. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to build 2 latrines at the primary school in Amindratombo. Tisa reports: The primary school director, teachers, students and villagers of Amindratombo are excited that not only do they […]

Amindratombo School Latrine Project – Madagascar

Location FKT Amindratombo, C/R Sahambavy, District Lalangina, Fianarantsoa, Madagascar Community Description The community of Sahambavy, located in the southern highlands of Madagascar, consists of approximately 17,000 people spread across 10 villages. Sahambavy is known for all of the tea production in Madagascar, is a stop on one of the last operating train routes in-country, and […]

Clinic and Community of Ansampanimahazo Well Project – Madagascar

Location Ansampanimahazo, District Faratsiho, Madagascar Community Description The community of Ansampanimahazo is located 9 km from its district Faratsiho in the northern highlands of Madagascar. The population consists of approximately 15,000 people spread across 12 villages. Ansampanimahazo is known for its large potato and rice harvest. The community has not had the resources to maintain […]

Conclusion of Amboromana Well Project – Madagascar

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Felicia Tobias. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. This project was to build 4 wells in the Amboromana district of Vohemar, Madagascar. Felicia reports: Clean, safe, water, or the lack thereof, is a problem in Vohemar. Most homes do not […]

Conclusion of Mahajoarivo Well Project – Madagascar

This project has been completed, with the successful construction of a well and enclosure, under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Cesar Murillo Lomeli .  To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. We would like to thank Cesar once again for executing such a fine project. Cesar Murillo Lomeli reports: The water well […]

Morarano Chrome Water Pump Project – Madagascar

Location Morarano Chrome, Amparafaravola District, Madagascar Community Description Morarano Chrome is a town and commune in the Eastern part of Madagascar. It is one of 20 communes in the district of Amparafaravola, which is a part of Alaotra-Mangoro Region. Over 80% of the population of the commune are farmers, and 10% make their livelihood from […]

Conclusion of Morarano Chrome Water Pump Project – Madagascar

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Teena Curry. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to purchase and install a water pump to expand the production of rice in the community. Teena reports: The president of the farmer’s association in Morarano Chrome, District Amparafaravola […]