
Conclusion of Huhuini Primary School Rainwater Catchment Project – Kenya

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Brittany Werkheiser. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to build a rainwater catchment and storage system at the school. Brittany reports: The Huhuini Primary School project has been completed. We ended up going a little off the […]

St. Thomas Primary School Rainwater Catchment Project – Kenya

Location Mukindu Village, Ol’Kalou Constituency, Central Province, Kenya Community Description St. Thomas Primary school has 400 children but the surrounding population is close to 5,000 people. Located on the outskirts of Ol’Kalou town, the families generally are made up of subsistence farmers. The majority of students are from the Kikuyu tribe and their parents make […]

Kakelo Based Integrated Support Rainwater Catchment Project – Kenya

Location Mikai village, Kakelo location, Oyugis town, Nyanza region, Kenya Community Description Kakelo Based Integrated Support is a Community Based Organization (C.B.O) coordinated by local Manager, Zachary Juma. The mission is to improve the food nutrition, provide counseling, and advocate for and improve the quality life of widows and orphans living with HIV/AIDS in Kakelo […]

Muting’ong’o Health Center Rainwater Catchment Project – Kenya

Location Malava, Central Kabras Division, Kakamega North District, Kakamega County, Kenya Community Description Malava is in the Western part of Kenya. It is about 3 hours north of Lake Victoria and 2 hours east of the Ugandan border. It is almost equidistant to the large towns of Webuye and Kakamega and is right off the […]

Kidumfa Primary School Rainwater Catchment Project – Kenya

Location Kidumfa Village, Mukindu District, Ol’Kalou Constituency, Kenya Community Description The village is made up of displaced persons from the Turkana tribe. They moved to the area because of tribal and political unrest about 7 years ago. Currently, the land is government-owned and run by the Kikuyu tribe. They are very isolated, especially during the […]

Conclusion of Mundi and Gatarawa Primary Schools Latrine Project – Kenya

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Shailah. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to build latrines at two schools, the Mundi Primary School and the Gatarawa Primary School. Shailah reports: The latrines at the two schools were completed in about 3 weeks. On […]

Mundi and Gatarawa Primary Schools Latrine Project – Kenya

Location Mawingu Division, Olkalou District, Central Province, Kenya Community Description In 2007, the violent elections led to many homes being destroyed and a vast movement of people relocating to the Mawingu Division. Thousands of families are now living in tents on a few acres of land. Many of these tent homes do not have any […]