Aranh Primary School Filter and Handwashing Station Project – Cambodia

Siem Reap Province, Cambodia

Community Description
Caring for Cambodia (CFC) is a nonprofit, non-governmental, charitable organization committed to ensuring a high-quality education for 6,400 children in Siem Reap, Cambodia. In partnership with the Cambodian government, it provides education for children from preschool through grade 12.

CFC operates at 5 campuses in Siem Reap. Each campus has a water filtration system that is nearing its 5-year anticipated life and a handwashing station that is dilapidated.

This project will reach all students, faculty, staff and many student families at the Aranh Primary School, for a total of 800+ people. The majority of these individuals and families live in homes without water and must either purchase or carry in and filter their own water for drinking, brushing teeth, cooking and handwashing.

Problem Addressed
The water filtration system and the handwashing station at the Aranh Primary School were built years ago by Asia Water, but currently do not provide the safe water necessary to support the health and proper hygiene of those who spend time at the school.

Clean potable water on the campus has a strong and direct impact on the health of the students, directly correlating with their attendance and achievement. Clean water helps stop the spread of transmissible diseases that weaken students over time and can cause them to miss school, fall behind, and eventually make the choice that school is not for them.

Project Description
This project is to provide a bio-sand water filter and handwashing stations at the Aranh Primary School.

A local water filtration company with experience in the bio-sand filtration technology will provide a sustainable and affordable filter system. Water is pumped from the well to an elevated tank, and filtered to safe levels before use.

Three handwashing stations, totaling 43 faucets will be restored to full functionality.

The work will be coordinated with a bathroom project also being undertaken at the school

Unskilled labor will be done by volunteers.

Water Charity funds will be used to purchase fixtures and materials, and to provide payment for skilled labor.

Project Impact
800+ people will benefit from the project.

Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Christin Spoolstra, Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, now Deputy Country Director, Caring for Cambodia

Monitoring and Maintenance
CFC staff at the school will be trained by the installation company and by members of the school health program to conduct monthly flushing. CFC will monitor and maintain the systems. Replacement of the sand in the filter will be done at regular intervals.

This is an important project to maintain the infrastructure of the school by performing necessary replacement and refurbishment of critical systems.

Fundraising Target

Funds raised in excess of the project amount will be allocated to other projects in the country.

Donations Collected to Date


Donations of any amount will be appreciated. The full amount will give you “naming rights” if that is something you would like.

Dollar Amount Needed

This project has been completed.  To read about the conclusion, CLICK HERE.