Our Handwashing & Hygiene Initiative was continued in Togo and made its debut in the Centrale region to combat the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Sokode in Centrale became another epicenter of Coronavirus here in Togo and as it is far from the capital, they were struggling to combat it effectively and receive the necessary funding to do so.

The centrale region of Togo covers an area of about 13,500 km squared of which more than 20% are reserves and classified forests including the Fazao National Park Reserve which covers nearly 2,000 km squared.

The city of Sokodé (predominantly Muslim), the regional capital, is the second largest city in the country in terms of number of inhabitants and is famous for its weaving. As a major center for commercial trade, Sokode found itself particularly vulnerable to the transmission of coronavirus. Industrial activities there include cotton ginning and sugar processing. Sokodé has road links with Kara to the north and Lomé, the national capital, to the south.
Water Charity was able to partner with a local NGO by the name of PASDI-AFRIQUE based in Centrale to manufacture more foot-pedal operated handwashing stations, which was accompanied by the creation of soap and hand sanitizer to be distributed in different neighborhoods of the affected area. Masks were also given out during this event and marketplace goers were encouraged towards the safe and prudent hygienic practices during these especially challenging times.
PASDI-AFRIQUE’s donation for the community was received directly by the Mayor of Sokode and this event was broadcast over local radio stations as well as receiving publicity on city and neighborhood pages on social media.
We are thankful to have such capable partners integrated in communities all around Togo who can mobilize rapidly and accomplish meaningful work. PASDI-AFRIQUE certainly fits this description.
Please support our border-to-border campaign to bring water to everyone: Water For Everyone – an initiative of Water Charity – Water Charity.