Lower Saloum District is part of the McCarthy Island Division on the north bank of the Gambia River. The three largest ethnic groups: the Wollof, the Mandinka, and the Fula. In The Gambia, one household or a cluster of households forms a compound, a unit which is fenced off from the rest of a community. In Upper Saloum district the household unit and compounds are large: the household unit ranges from 1–55 individuals and the compound ranges from 2–77 individuals. The majority of women in The Gambia’s rural areas—including in Lower Saloum District—exist in a constant energy deficient state, caused by poor dietary intake, heavy workload and a high disease infection rate. The advancement of ecological agriculture is of paramount importance to improving their quality of life and restoring the natural resource base of their environment. Water is the missing link in this advancement.

Balanghar Njoben (Coordinates: -15.416, 13.663) Estimated population: 450
We will replace the well’s cylinder, rod couplings, bearings, and axel. We will construct a new concrete water trough for watering the ruminants, plus a dedicated handwashing station.

Ngike (Coordinates: -15.408, 13.663) Estimated population: 120
We will replace the well’s cylinder; we will install 2 stainless steel pipes and new check nuts. We will re-dig, dewater, and sanitize the well. We will reconstruct the 2 culverts, as well as construct a new concrete water trough and a handwashing station.

Kerr Kossa (Coordinates: -15.303, 13.711) Estimated Population: 125
We will reconstruct a new concrete slab and install 3 stainless steel pipes. Prior to this, we will re-dig, dewater, and sanitize the well. We will add extra ground concrete around the base. We will replace the cylinder and construct a new concrete water trough, plus a handwashing station.

Nawell (Coordinates: -15.358, 13.714) Estimated population: 875
We will replace the cylinder and the conversion head. We will construct a concrete water trough, plus a handwashing station.

Kerr Sam Boye (Coordinates: -15.376, 13.703) Estimated population: 700
We will replace the cylinder and the conversion head. We will construct a concrete water trough, plus a handwashing station.

Geinge Wollof (Coordinates: -15.382, 13.723) Estimated Population: 200
First we will dewater and sanitize the well. We will replace the 2 cylinders on the twin handpump), extra ground concrete, bearings and axle, concrete trough and hand washing station

Njoben Samba Narr (Coordinates: -15.353, 13.712) Estimated population: 500
First we will re-dig the well. We will replace the bearings, cylinder, chain, rod couplings, and construct a new concrete slab. We will install 2 stainless pipes. We will provide cement fencing blocks, add extra ground concrete to the base, and construct a water trough and handwashing station.
NB: All these projects include cost for hand washing station in each community as part of Water Charity’s efforts in fighting Covid-19

This project has been finished. To read about the conclusion of the project, CLICK HERE. To read details about the Lower Saloum District Handpump Repair Tour Phase 2—The Gambia, CLICK HERE.