The Gambia’s “Fonis,” the West Coast Region bordering Senegal’s Casamance region, has experienced intermittent turmoil overflowing from West Africa’s longest-running civil conflict, four decades of sporadic violence rooted in a separatist rebellion by neighboring Senegal’s “Mouvement des forces démocratiques de la Casamance” (MFDC). The longstanding currents of informal trade across Casamance’s northern border with The Gambia are pathologically bound up with violence and environmental degradation. Casamance refugee communities on the Gambian territory of the “Fonis,” variable in size but generally in the thousands, are long-standing and very largely “self-settled” with kin or other social connections.
In late January 2022, sporadic gunfire was heard from the Ballen Village, Foni Kansala District, West Coast Region in The Gambia, not far from the Gambia/Casamance border. The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) military mission in the Gambia (ECOMIG) chased a truck carrying illegal timber. The truck driver maneuvered within villages in the Fonis and headed towards Casamance for sanctuary. Gunfire was exchanged between the two forces: ECOMIG vs MFDC. Two soldiers were killed and seven were held in captivity by MFDC. The ICRC negotiation led to the release of the 2 dead bodies. As of February 2022, a total number of 2,464 people were affected, comprising 2,204 internal displaced populations (IDPs). Presently, the region remains in a state of economic precariousness.
Atop the district’s existing lack of clean drinking water, the refugee influx into the Gambian border district of Foni Bondali has exacerbated the water scarcity crisis for a number of vulnerable villages. This humanitarian situation is alarming as the fighting intensifies. Thousands of refugees have fled from Cassamance and within its surrounding villages toward safer villages in the Foni Bondali District. This project seeks to rehabilitate water sources within 10 villages in the district to make clean drinking water accessible for the host villages, as well as the refugees.
Kayabor (GPS Coordinates: N13ᴼ15.311 W015ᴼ57.078) Estimated population: 300
We will replace the bearings, chain, axle and rod couplings; we will install a new tank, add gravel and sand, install 5 stainless steel pipes, and construct a concrete water trough and handwashing station.
Bantangjang (GPS Coordinates: N13ᴼ16.784 W015ᴼ57.512) Estimated Population: 350
We will replace the conversion head, the cylinder, the check-nuts, and rod couplings; we will construct a concrete water trough, plus a handwashing station.

Bondali Tenda (GPS Coordinates: N13ᴼ15.164 W015ᴼ54.268) Estimated population: 350
We will replace the cylinder and chain. We will construct a new concrete water trough, a new concrete slab top, and a handwashing station. We will add gravel and sand to the surrounding ground for proper drainage.

Kallang Village (GPS Coordinates: N13ᴼ13.846 W015ᴼ57.744) Estimated population: 250
We will replace the well cylinder and its stainless steel rod couplings. We will construct a concrete water trough for the ruminants. We will install 2 stainless steel pipes and construct a new pedestal, plus a handwashing station.
Giffon Village (GPS Coordinates: N13ᴼ15.866 W015ᴼ56.420) Estimated Population: 200
We will replace the well’s cylinder, the axle, and the bearings; we will construct a concrete water trough for domestic animals to drink from, plus a handwashing station.

Kalimu Village (GPS Coordinates: N13ᴼ14.580 W015ᴼ55.278) Estimated Population: 400
We will dewater and sanitize the well first. We will replace the twin handpump’s 2 cylinders, its 2 conversion heads, bearings and axle. We will install 2 stainless steel pipes, as well as construct a new concrete water trough and a handwashing station.

Bullenghat Village (GPS Coordinates: N13ᴼ12.040 W015ᴼ55.215) Estimated population: 650
We will replace the twin handpump’s stainless steel rod couplings, its 2 cylinders, and its 2 conversion heads; we will construct a concrete water trough, plus a handwashing station.

Jending Village (GPS Coordinates:N13ᴼ12.442 W015ᴼ55.843) Estimated population: 300
We will replace the conversion head. We will construct a new concrete water trough, plus a handwashing station. We will add gravel and sand for proper drainage.
Bissari Village (GPS Coordinates: N13ᴼ12.125 W015ᴼ54.231) Estimated Population: 350
We will first dewater and sanitize the well. We will replace the apron, cylinder, conversion head, bearings and axle. We will install 4 stainless steel pipes. We will construct a new concrete water trough and handwashing station.

Fass Chabai Village (GPS Coordinates: N13ᴼ13.540 W015ᴼ59.349) Estimated Population: 700
We will begin by dewatering and sanitizing the well. We will then replace the twin handpump’s 2 cylinders and 2 conversion heads. We will install 2 stainless steel pipes, as well as construct a new concrete water trough, plus a handwashing station.

All of these projects include the cost of constructing a handwashing station in each community as part of Water Charity’s ongoing efforts to combat the spread of COVID-19.

To read details about the conclusion of the project, CLICK HERE.