This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Tisa Kunkee.
To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to build 2 latrines at the primary school in Amindratombo.
Tisa reports:
The primary school director, teachers, students and villagers of Amindratombo are excited that not only do they have a well, but now a latrine for the primary school. This project went much smoother than the first, the weather being the only road block.
Upon receiving funds, the PCV and counterpart purchased the project materials, both in the community and in the larger city nearby. Since a 20 meter hole already existed from the previous well project attempt, the technicians were ready to build right away.
It was currently rainy season so we had to wait for the road to be dry enough for the camion truck to bring the bricks to the site. The school had already had bricks they had reserved to make additional classrooms as well as left-over bricks from the previous project, so after waiting too long, they decided to begin work using these bricks only to replace them once the roads were drivable.
The top of the hole was modified so that both latrines would empty into the one hole. After that, the technicians quickly constructed the latrine (which stood strong through a cyclone that recently passed through the country). It was a good choice to have the cement mold for the floor, as opposed to the simple dirt floor, because not only will the latrines be easier to clean but once it is full (after maybe 20 years!) they can take these molds as well as the other sturdy materials to build the next latrine.
The schools plans to have a party to celebrate the finished construction but they already have the keys to both latrine and well, so they can put them to use.
We wish to thank Tisa for completing this project, and again extend our gratitude to The Soneva SLOW LIFE Trust for providing the funding.