Under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Felicia Tobias, this project is to build 4 wells in the Amboromana district of Vohemar, Madagascar.
There are currently 360 families living in the area, with a population of 1,836 people.
There is only one public tap serving all the families and it often runs dry. People have to fetch water from a very distant dirty river, or do without.
The residents are very poor and have little to no disposable income to support a well project on their own.
Oversight of the well construction will be undertaken by ARES, a local NGO. Sister Rosalie, a Malagasy local, will be spearheading the construction of the project ensuring that fair and honest prices and wages are paid.
Project funds will be used for materials, including cement, rebar, and well covers, and also for the transport of materials and labor.
The community will provide some of the basic materials that can be gathered locally, including gravel, sand, and rocks, and also some of the unskilled labor. This will amount to about 25% of the total cost.
After construction, the well will be maintained by the community.
Visits by health workers will educate the population about clean drinking water and ensure proper use of the wells.
The project will result in safe clean drinking water within a reasonable distance for the 1,836 inhabitants of the community.
The Water Charity participation in this project has been funded through the generosity of The Soneva SLOW LIFE Trust as a part of their Clean Water Projects initiative and Positive H2O (+H2O).
Any additional donations using the Donate button below will be used to fund other projects by this PCV and/or those of other PCVs in the host country.

This project has been finished. To read about the conclusion of the project, CLICK HERE.