Nianija is one of the ten districts of the Central River Division of the Gambia. Nanija is a predominantly Pulaar-speaking region of the Gambia. There are approximately 33 villages in Nianija, the capital of which is Chamen, located at the district’s western edge. In one study, in addition to land, livestock ownership, ownership of farm implements, and off-farm income were used by communities as main criteria for wealth ranking. On the basis of these criteria, four wealth categories were identified, namely, the very poor, the moderately poor, the moderately rich and the rich. In Nianija, 80% were said to be poor or very poor. The very poor do not own cattle; the moderately poor own goats and sheep while the poor have between 1 and 2 heads of cattle. Land access was reported to be determined by the ability to cultivate the land. For the poor and very poor categories, land use was restricted and/or constrained by limited farm implements for adequate production. In Nianija, farming was the most important livelihood strategy, followed by both fishing and commerce which were given equal weight. Livestock rearing was fourth in importance as a source of livelihood for the community. One of the primary limitations on land use is the availability of water.

Bati Jaha (Coordinates: -15.114, 13.754) Estimated Population: 550
We will replace the well’s cylinder, rod couplings, axle and bearings; we will construct a new concrete water trough, plus a handwashing station.

Kerr Gibel (Coordinates: -15.049, 13.763) Estimated population: 350
We will replace the cylinder and the chain. We will install 8 stainless steel pipes, construct a new concrete water trough, plus a handwashing station.

Sinchu Demba (Coordinates: -15.070, 13.754) Estimated population: 260
We will replace the well’s cylinder, rod couplings, and 2 conversion heads. We will install 6 pipes. We will construct a new concrete water trough. We will rebuild the pedestal, plus construct a handwashing station.

Makka Jaha (Coordinates: -15.133, 13.761) Estimated population: 200
We will replace the bearings, the chain, the axle, and the rod couplings. We will install 8 stainless steel pipes, construct a concrete water trough and a handwashing station.

N’drammeh (Coordinates: -15.039, 13.769) Estimated Population: 500
We will replace the cylinder, the conversion head, and the bearings. We will install 2 stainless steel pipes. We will construct a concrete water trough and a handwashing station.

Nioro Buba (Coordinates: -15.148, 13.727) Estimated population: 500
We will replace the cylinder, the concrete slab, and the rod couplings; we will install 6 stainless steel pipes. We will construct a concrete water trough, plus a handwashing station.

Njaw Jaha (Coordinates: -15.151, 13.732) Estimated Population: 500
First we will begin by dewatering and sanitizing the well. We will rebuild the apron and replace the cylinder, conversion head, bearings and axle. We will install 6 stainless steel pipes and construct a new concrete water trough and handwashing station.

Paleleh (Coordinates: -15.129, 13.749) Estimated Population: 250
We will replace the cylinder, the concrete slab, and the rod couplings; we will install 6 stainless steel pipes. We will construct a concrete water trough, plus a handwashing station.

Wellingara Buba Bah (Coordinates: -15.153, 13.733) Estimated population: 300
We will replace the stainless steel rod couplings, as well as the twin handpump’s 2 cylinders and 2 conversion heads. We will construct a concrete water trough, plus a handwashing station.

NB: All these projects include cost for hand washing station in each community as part of Water Charity’s efforts in fighting Covid-19
To read details about the Nianija Handpump Repair and Handwashing Tour, Phase-1, CLICK HERE.