This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Karri Stout.
To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to build a rainwater catchment system at the school.
Karri reports:
The Utelewe Primary School water project was completed according to plan.
The two 3,000-liter tanks were purchased, placed on platforms, and connected by piping to the new guttering system.
During the end of the last rainy season the school was able to harvest almost 10,000 liters. By having the tanks right at the school, the students were able to bring water to the cook without missing class.
The school is very grateful to your organization for making this project possible. I am of course grateful to my family for donating money to close the project.
We extend our thanks to Karri for completing this excellent project, and again express our gratitude to Sharon Stout and Karri’s other friends and family for providing the funding.