Kyanguli Secondary School Rainwater Harvesting Project – Phase 2 – Kenya
This project included completing a rainwater harvesting system by installing gutters to capture the water that runs off of the classrooms, and piping it to the newly installed tank adjacent to the classrooms. The project benefited the school and the community, particularly during the dry season.

Diankancounda Ogeul Well Improvement Project – Senegal
This project involved constructing and installing covers for four wells in the 3 largest neighborhoods in Diankancounda Ogeul. This was an ambitious project to make the wells used for drinking water as secure and clean as possible.

Sinende Commune Well Project – Benin
This project included constructing a simple deep-dug well and repairing an existing well. The wells now serve a thirsty populous and village garden.

Sare Aladji Well Project – Senegal
Access to water was constantly a struggle in Sare Aladji. The water table is very deep. Before this project there were are only three wells serving the community of 700 people (plus cattle during the dry season). This project included building one new well to provide sufficient water to the community.

Shule ya Tanga Borehole and Water System Project – Tanzania
This project included digging a borehole in the spring, adding a 10,000L storage tank, and installing a piping system, supported by a solar pump, to provide water for the village. Prior to the addition of this new borehole, the water structures did not supply enough water for each individual to access the necessary 20 L bucket a day.

This project included building a well to provide water for the women’s garden. The women and children spend a lot of time protecting their fields. Prior to the project, the lack of water for the crops led to lower productivity and subpar levels of nutrition within Dayxxx.