Mbour Project 1- Daru Salam Village GPS: N14ᴼ25.040 W016ᴼ56.682

DARU SALAM VILLAGE is located on the outskirts of Mbour, Senegal. It has a population of about 400 people. The community is composed of Mandinka, Wollof and Serere tribes. It is predominantly Mandinka who migrated to this area from southern Senegal. The community depends on traditional fishing along the shores of Mbour, while others depend on labor jobs in the town of Mbour. With its multilingual tribes, the community has enjoyed tolerance and tranquility among the indigenous people.
Beneficiary Testimonials
This project was successfully completed. After re-digging, dewatering and flushing the well, a new complete German Mark 2 hand pump was installed. Water quality tests were also conducted. Members of the community expressed their gratitude and sincere thanks for the provision of this clean water project. They have been suffering from a severe water crisis for a long time. Living on a minimum daily wage, it is so hard for households to have proper food to eat and sustain themselves due to buying of water in the Mbour town said Ousainou who works as a daily paid laborer at the fish landing site in Mbour and has a household of 14 people. A similar sentiment was echoed by Modou Lamin Cisse, a teacher who has students nearby. He thanks the donors of this project. This clean water project is a savior for us said Sheikh Alagie Cisse the chief custodian of the community. Our women and children have suffered for long to have clean water. Thanks to this project we can now have a breath of fresh air and relief. He prayed for such similar projects all over for the benefit of human race.’
Mbour Project 2- Roff Village GPS: N14ᴼ17.920 W016ᴼ52.161

ROFF VILLAGE is located about 9 kilometers off the Mbour/Joal road. It is a Serere tribal community of about 450 people. The community depends on subsistence farming of millet and groundnuts, while some depend on manual labor in the town of Mbour. The community suffers from a lack of access to safe drinking water and is highly marginalized. Village chief Pierre Ngum said they rely on one open well for the entire village throughout the year. Waterborne diseases are common, especially during the rainy season, due to contamination from the open well.
Beneficiary Testimonials
This project was successfully completed. A 4.5-inch diameter borehole was drilled to a depth of 60 meters; after drilling the new borehole, a new complete German Mark 2 hand pump was installed. A concrete water trough was also constructed for the village’s livestock and water quality tests were conducted.
We are very grateful for this water project now we can stay healthy and live happily. Thanks to this project our women and children can stay well and be happy instead of doing water collection miles away. We are grateful and thankful for this project said Ms. Marie Ngum a women leader of the village also expressed her gratitude for this project. She promised the newly formed water management committee would make sure the water source is protected and very well taken care of. The head of the village along with other senior members of the community showered their sincere thanks and gratitude to the project. This water project has come to save our lives and we are vey grateful.

This project has been completed. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.