Water Charity will provide solar lanterns for households in communities where we support water, sanitation, public health, and environmental projects. This will be an add-on component, designed to provide a brighter future for those who are reached.
This program was initiated in 2016. To read the latest status report, CLICK HERE.
The Concept
Water Charity has established a new initiative designed to empower residents in rural parts of developing countries with the benefits derived from having access to reliable, affordable, off-grid lights.
In partnership with d.light, Inc., a global social enterprise that is leading the expansion of the off-grid solar product market in the developing world, Water Charity began to integrate appropriate d.light products into our work as we implement projects around the world.
The benefits of solar lighting for the people of Senegal will include:
Financial freedom – savings of approximately 30% of monthly income which previously was required for kerosene, candles, and diesel fuel,
Productivity gains – lives are empowered when darkness no longer stops constructive actions such as children completing homework, business pursuits, and personal fulfillment,
Human health – increased safety and security during darkness,
Environmental health – decreased levels of CO2 emissions.
The Product
The recommended product will be d. light, Model S3 (formerly S20). It is 4x brighter than kerosene. Incorporating an integrated solar panel, it offers up to 12 hours of light per full charge.
The Procedure
The process is integrated into the planning and implementation of projects under the Peace Corps Partnership Program and Let Girls Learn program. A solar light component will be added to the detailed project plan and will include a description of the intended use. The lights will be delivered to beneficiaries by Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) at no cost.
As proof of concept, Water Charity will deliver to Peace Corp Senegal 1,000 lanterns to start and will replenish the supply as needed. These will be held by the Peace Corps post and made available to the PCVs as they implement their projects.
Status Report for Solar Lights Program – Senegal
The Peace Corps Office of Gifts and Grants Management has sent us an interim report which outlines the success of the program to date.
A representative of the Peace Corps Partnership program reports:
19 Volunteer have included 520 of the solar lights in their projects. Among other benefits, the lights have helped increase study time for students and provided light for maternity wards and latrines.
Peace Corps Senegal has expressed their appreciation of the support that Water Charity has provided through this program.
To see a complete copy of the interim report, CLICK HERE.
We express our continuing belief in the importance of providing this inexpensive addition to regular community development programming. We would look favorably upon the requests from other countries seeking to implement a similar program. Updates will be provided as the program moves toward a conclusion.