Sincape, Olmos (District), Lambayeque (Province), Lambayeque (Department), Peru
Community Description
Sincape is a small annex of Olmos located in the dry forest of northern Peru. There are just under 700 inhabitants in the town, spread out over 2 miles. The people are extremely connected to their environment using it for nearly every aspect of their lives.
72% of families are either subsistence farmers or agricultural workers. The women of the house cook with a woodcut from the nearby hills and everyone uses the small but permanent stream nearby for many aspects of life, from water for cooking to irrigation of fields, to watering of livestock, to washing of laundry, to bathing.
The school in Sincape has a system to bring water up from a well into a holding tank. The water then drains down to the handwashing stations. Unfortunately, the gasoline pump to bring the water up from the well is broken, and the closest water source is the stream half a kilometer away.
Project Description
This project is to restore the water supply to the school by replacing the broken gas pump with an electric pump and running a power line from the school.
The children will use the water to wash their hands after using the bathroom and before eating and to cool off in the heat of the day. The water will also be used for the plants and fruit trees in the schoolyard, providing both greenery and future shade for the school. It will also be used for the teaching garden and tree nursery on the school property.
The project will be implemented by the school administration and APAFA, the school’s fathers of the family group.
400 meters of cable will be run from the school to the motor. The system will provide the school with water from a constant supply at a cheaper cost.
The funds from Water Charity will be used to buy the pump, cable, and other materials.
Community members who have experience in mechanics and electricity will do all of the labor.
Project Impact
220 current students and 11 professors will benefit from the project.
Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Kathryn Korthauer
The replacement of the gas pump with an electric pump will result in savings, enabling the school to use the extra funds for educational purposes.
Dollar Amount of Project
Donations Collected to Date
$300.00 + additional amounts
Dollar Amount Needed
This project has been fully funded, with additional amounts for future projects in Peru. We acknowledge the generosity of Michael and Carla Boyle, the Elmo Foundation, and friends and family of Peace Corps Volunteer Kathryn Korthauer.
We encourage others to continue to donate using the Donate button below, and we will notify Kathryn of your donation. Additional funds will be used to fund the next project by Kathryn and/or those of other PCVs in the country of service.
This project has been finished. To read about the conclusion of the project, CLICK HERE.