Sambwene Village, Mpinji Ward, Same District, Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania
Community Description
Sambwene is a small farming village in the Pare Mountains which is mainly dependent on growing ginger, maize and coffee. The population is two-thirds female and half are students and children.
The villagers are a hard-working group of people devoted to the progression of their community as a whole. They take pride in their work ethic, generosity and solidarity as a community. Despite these altruistic traits the village has many areas of development to tackle, such as access to water and electricity and generating a sufficient means of income.
The sub-villages of Mlola and Myombo are located far away from the main road on a mountainside. Therefore, necessities such as water, food, and any other household needs have to be carried long distances along rugged foot trails. The spring where the well is to be built gives water year-round, but it runs slowly and can only fill one bucket at a time. This becomes quite a problem during the dry season or periods of low rainfall, which force villagers to travel longer distances to collect water.
Project Description
This project is to build a well in the form of a spring box between the two sub-villages of Mlola and Myombo in Sambwene village.
The site which has been identified is centrally located between the two sub-villages and will collect enough water to benefit all the surrounding homes. The water collected from this well will be used for home needs such as cooking, drinking, bathing and cleaning.
The well will have a depth of 150 centimeters of which 120 centimeters will be able to be filled with water. The approximate diameter of the well will be 300 centimeters.
The holding tank will be lined and covered. Wire mesh and building rods will be used in the construction of the cover and a door. Water will be drawn from two valves in the tank.
The well will have a lip around the edge and there will be a cement pad to direct water.
Water Charity funds will be used to purchase materials, including cement, wood, building rods, wire mesh, and valves. They will also pay for the services of a well engineer who will direct the project.
Villagers will gather locally-available materials, such as gravel, rocks, and sand to contribute towards the project. They will also dig out the site where the well is to be built and assist the engineer in the construction.
Project Impact
The total number of people directly benefiting from the construction of the well will be 1,377, consisting of 680 from Mlola and 697 from Myombo.
Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Autumn Meade
The construction of this well will improve the lives of villagers by providing them with more time to put towards studying, business pursuits, and family time as well as a sufficient amount of water to provide for their needs.
Dollar Amount of Project
Donations Collected to Date
Dollar Amount Needed
$0.00 – This project has been fully funded through the generosity of the Rotary Club of Washago & Area – Centennial.
We encourage others to continue to donate using the Donate button below, and we will notify Peace Corps Volunteer Autumn Meade of your donation. Additional funds will be used to fund the next project by Autumn and/or those of other PCVs in the country of service.