Sacasiguan and Pacaman, Municipality of Nahualá, Department of Sololá, Guatemala
Community Description
The communities of Sacasiguan and Pacaman are nestled in the Western Highlands of Guatemala. They are located in the municipality of Nahualá, the second-largest municipality in the department of Sololá. However, these two communities are extremely far away from the urban center of the municipality, making access to resources and clean water-limited and extremely difficult. They are made up of 100% indigenous Maya K’iche’ people, with the local language being K’iche’. These people often face discrimination because of their ethnicity, language, and culture in the country of Guatemala.
Problem Addressed
Between the two communities described above, 45 families do not have access to a hygienic form of waste disposal. They do not have western-style bathrooms in their houses, nor do they have latrines. This problem is causing a significant increase in water-borne illnesses due to the lack of sanitation and proper waste management. The construction of latrines would drastically improve not only the quality of life of the 45 families directly affected, but the entire community as well.
Project Description
This project is the construction of 45 latrines, one for each family that currently does not have a latrine.
The work will be done by local masons and community members, using local resources and support. There will be a system implemented for training and monitoring of the latrines and their functions. Detailed monitoring and evaluation will take place every three months, and the families will be trained in how to properly use, clean, and maintain their latrine.
Water Charity funds will be used for the purchase of building materials and as compensation for labor. The community will be participating in the actual construction of the latrines as well as training and evaluations once they are completed.
Project Impact
This project will benefit 225 people.
Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Kirstin Diepholz
Monitoring and Maintenance
Using a standardized monitoring and evaluation tool, a comprehensive evaluation will be completed by local health service providers every three months after the completion of the project. If there is a need for repairs or improvement, it will be up to the families to bring this to the attention of the local development committee so that they can take the necessary steps to fix the problem. They will be trained on proper use, maintenance, and evaluation during the construction of the latrines. This project is sustainable because the PCV will be working with local people (and only local people) that are invested in this project.
Project Funding
Water Charity’s participation in this project has been funded through the generosity of Michael and Carla Boyle, of Nelsonville, Ohio.