Rural Community and Clinic Water Program – Togo

This project is made possible through the partnership of WATER CHARITY and the NATIONAL PEACE CORPS ASSOCIATION.

Water Charity is currently implementing the Water for Everyone Initiative – Liberia, Togo and The Gambia to bring water to every person in those 3 countries by the end of 2023.

With a long history of work in Togo, in 2018, Water Charity implemented the Borehole Well Water System Program – Togo  under the direction of Anne Jeton. Anne is a hydrologist, who previously served as a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (RPCV), Burkina Faso (’82-’85) and Returned Peace Corps Response Volunteer (RPCRV), Togo (’16 -’17). The borehole program was extremely successful, resulting in the construction of 16 new boreholes in the country.

The Community Clinic and Systems Program
A significant impact was made in addressing severe water shortages at many of the rural health clinics in the Central region of northern Togo, specifically at the 16 clinics financed by Water Charity during 2018.

In August 2019, follow-up visits were made to each site, along with meetings with regional government officials. To date, all water systems with the exception of one site (resolved during the visit) are fully functioning as are the maternity room discharge systems.

Though few of the clinics had functioning community water committees (to manage the public distribution and sale of water from the community faucets) follow-up meetings with community leaders and the Ministry of Health agents resolved this issue.

The clinics have seen a rise in births and overall patient use as reported by both clinic staff and patients. Access to potable water, and the overall improved hygiene associated with indoor plumbing and the afterbirth discharge system was viewed very favorably by the local population and the regional government agencies.

An estimated 35 rural clinics in the Centrale alone still lack adequate water. Needs range from an absence of water to unpotable shallow open wells to pre-existing borehole wells with manual pumps in need of servicing. Through a series of phases, we intend to address all of those needs.

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This project has been finished. To read about the SUMMARY OF ROUND 1, CLICK HERE. To read details about the SUMMARY OF ROUND 2, CLICK HERE. To read about the conclusion of the project, CLICK HERE.