This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Denise Galbraith.
To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to bring water to the bathroom, create storage capacity, and remediate flooding at Public School No. 1.
Denise reports:
Other than our weather delays, our project was carried out successfully. Our project manager created a budget and a timeline before any money was spent. She then carefully collected all receipts and was diligent about keeping up with the laborers and the materials purchased. We stayed on budget and had a little left over for soap, toilet brushes, and a couple of small trash cans for the bathrooms.
The construction carried out is more extensive then the pictures show. The only running water at our school is across our school yard. Two male school teachers dug and put down water lines to connect the yard tap with the bathrooms. Then, water lines were constructed to go to each toilet (this can be seen in the pictures). This water can be turned on and off, so the housekeeper is in charge of this water timetable for the toilets. She turns it on every morning to clean and then turns it off during the day to keep it from continuously running and wasting water.
Outside, gravel was laid to keep the area around the toilets from flooding when it rains. It is now on level and the giant hole has been properly sealed. There is an outside sink with a working tap that students can turn on and off themselves, that now has soap as well. The other additions included two new doors for the teachers’ stalls (the children’s entrance is shielded without doors).
This project was carried out in full by interested teachers. I was really impressed by their dedication, insightfulness, and careful record keeping that I monitored. They have demonstrated the skills to complete other projects responsibly and with accountability.
Our teachers, students, and housekeepers are all thankful for the money donated and the support from Appropriate Projects!
We wish to thank Denise for completing this project, and again extend our gratitude to The Soneva SLOW LIFE Trust, with help from Denise’s friends, for providing the funding.