This project has been completed under the direction Rosângela Araújo, of Instituto Diamante Verde (IDV). To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to build a rainwater catchment and storage system in Ponta Baixa Village, Itiúba City, Bahia, Brazil.
Rosângela reports:
In December 2012, the Instituto Diamante Verde´s project “Água para Vida” built and delivered two more ferro-cement water tanks, of 20,000 liters each, in the village of Ponta Baixa, Itiúba, Bahia.
Both are full thanks to the rain that fell in the second half of January 2013.
The collection of water is being carried out by gutters around the roof of the Colégio Estadual José Francisco dos Santos, incorporating 100% of the catchment area of the roof.
The decision to construct two tanks of 20,000 liters each, rather than one with a 40,000 liter capacity, was made by technicians in order to expand the effectiveness of the gutters and piping.
The tanks are being maintained by the college administration. Water for consumption is being treated with chlorine, offered by the municipality.
All 120 families who live in the village of Ponta Baixa are receiving benefit from the project.
The IDV thanks Water Charity and its donors for enabling the construction of an important system which will change in the lives of the residents.
We are grateful to Rosângela and to IDV for completing this terrific project, and are pleased to have played a part.