This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Eric Lella.
To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to build 10 to 15 latrines in Pellel Kindessa. As a result of proper money management, the full 15 were completed.
Eric reports:
I’m happy to inform you that the Pellel Kindessa Latrine Project has been completed.
As soon as I found out that Appropriate Projects had approved the project I notified the latrine committee to select the 15 families who would participate in the project. We decided that 3 neighborhoods would each be allocated 5 latrines and the first families to dig their holes and pay the 5,000 cfa (10 USD) family contribution would be confirmed as one of the 15.
We purchased the 30 sacks of cement, iron rebar, PVC pipe and wire on Tuesday March 6th, 2012 and the materials were transported to Pelel Kindessa the next day. The mason, Thierno Diallo began work that Saturday, March 10th. Thierno was able to complete 2 cement latrine covers per day and 15 latrines were completed by March 18th.
My village father Alpha Mamadou Souare worked in conjunction with the mason and brought sand and gravel with his donkey cart to each site. For that work they were both paid standard rates.
We are grateful to Eric for promptly completing this project, and again wish to thank the Elmo Foundation for providing the funding.