This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Rosanne Dunivan.
To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to construct 13 latrines in Paymar Hamady.
Rosanne reports:
The Paymar Hamady Latrine Project was very successful and the village cannot be more thankful.
The oldest member of the village, Pendaa Soh, said “It’s horrible when old people and guests have to go out to the fields every time they need to defecate but these latrines are so much more accessible and necessary.” The villagers were so excited that within one week of the materials being bought, the project was completed.
As stated in the project description, each family received one latrine for a total of 12 latrines being built. Family members dug the holes and collected the necessary sand and rock. They also constructed privacy fences.
Funds were used to purchase the materials and pay the mason for construction of the cover. The cover consists of a cement platform reinforced by rebar with a PVC pipe for ventilation. It is constructed in a way in which it can be moved when the current latrine is full.
A training will be held on proper maintenance and handwashing techniques within the next several weeks.
We are grateful to Rosanne for completing this outstanding project, and to the Elmo Foundation, with the help of Rosanne’s friends and family, for providing the funding.