This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Valerie Ullrich.
To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE.
The project, organized by the Leadership Youth Club from the local technical college, was to remediate the condition of the local reservoir by removing litter and pollutants from its banks.
Valerie reports:
The clean-up was a great success. We used the money to purchase rubber waders, hoes and other metal tools to dig objects out of the bank, heavy-duty trash bags, gloves, and incidentals.
With the help of these materials, eleven students, one of their teachers, along with Valerie, removed more than thirty large trash bags worth of rubbish from the water and reeds, as well as car tires, metal wash bins, old anchors, and other pieces of large debris.
The city was so impressed with the students’ initiative that they offered to dispose of the rubbish free of charge, and asked if the students would help them complete some other clean-up projects in the watershed.
Valerie extended her gratitude for our support of the project:
I cannot thank you enough for funding this very necessary project. Besides making the water safer for the population to use and drink, this project empowered a group of young Ukrainians to take greater initiative in their society.
I have been running a leadership group for several months now, but this project brought all of our academic discussions into the real world. I now have a bunch of young colleagues that believe in themselves, in positive change, and in the power of teamwork.
Your generosity brought more than increased sanitation to Nemyriv. It incited young people to take action in what is otherwise an extremely apathetic society.