To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to repair the existing water catchment system and to add 4 handwashing stations near the toilets.
Teneasha reports:
The project at Nangina Mixed Primary School has been completed. The school’s poorly constructed and falling water catchment system has been refinished and now includes 4 handwashing stations and a refurbished underground tank, equipped with a removable hand pump. In addition, the existing tanks have new and functioning fixtures.
Because of this project 730 students have access to water.
The process went as follows:
- Initial meeting with plumber to assess the work and to communicate expected outcome. The plumber is well known in the community as he has done work for former VP of Kenya Moody Awori as well as the Ministry of Fisheries.
- Initial budget received from plumber was 164,000 Ksh. This was obviously unacceptable.
- Follow-up meetings to determine necessary work and materials were held at the school, and included PCVs, plumber and headmaster.
- To determine how much of the initial budget was inflated, Sara and I visited local hardware stores to determine prices.
- Final meeting to correct the budget was held. The final budget was just under 44,000 Ksh after donated materials by the school community. Budget was approved and finalized.
- Money to purchase materials was given to the plumber. The plumber purchased materials and coordinated transportation of materials.
- Local workmen, a mix of workers selected by the plumber and workers for the school, completed prep work of draining the existing underground tank and clearing bushes.
- Handwashing stations were constructed. This work was complete in 2 working days.
- Refurbishing of underground tank was completed, which mostly included re-cementing the tank floor took, 8 working days to complete.
- Fixtures added to tanks were completed in 1 day.
The work was completed while the students were on break so the daily responsibilities of the school were not disrupted in any way. During the construction PCVs visited at each phase of the work. Communication between the PCVs, plumber and headmaster was constant.
The process went smoothly. No unexpected expenses and we were able to stay on budget.
Students and teachers returned to school and were excited to see the improvements. I’m excited to report that both the students and teachers are washing their hands, cleaning facilities, and drinking water.
The school has a sanitation prefect, a student responsible for filling the handwashing stations among other duties.
The next phase for us, the volunteers, is to hold a water sanitation day. Now that water is available we have to work to ensure it’s clean.
With sincere thanks!
We are grateful to Teneasha and Sarah for completing this project. We again wish to thank CannedWater4Kids for providing the funding.