Montserrado Region Handpump Repair Program – Liberia

This project is made possible through the partnership of WATER CHARITY and The Last Well.                                                                          

This is an ongoing project and Water Charity encourages people to donate to this worthy program.


Montserrado, Liberia

Problem Addressed 

Thousands of Liberians in and around Monrovia (a population of 1.9 million) do not have access to pipe-borne water. NGOs installed hundreds of hand pumps, an expenditure of millions of dollars. Over time, 90% of these pumps have fallen into disrepair, and entire communities no longer have access to safe drinking water. Families have been forced to collect water from creeks, streams, and other unsafe sources, and waterborne diseases are increasing rates of illness and death among children in these communities.

This is an urgent problem developing in and around Liberia’s capital, despite the fact that it costs as little as $300 to repair each broken hand pump.  It is unacceptable that in 2019, communities have to drink unsafe water because they do not have the know-how and the $300 they need to repair their community hand pumps.

Project Description

Water Charity has identified 107 broken hand pumps in Montserrado. Each well repair cost $300 and can serve a community of up to 1,000 households.

To prevent a repeat of the situation where the pumps fail or become inoperable, our team is also training four community volunteers in each location so that they know how to perform regular maintenance and quick repairs. By providing this simple training, WC can ensure that each pump we fix will remain in service for years to come.

This project is already started and a few of the broken hand-pumps have been repaired.

Project Impact

Each well will serve about 1000 people, and there is no where on the planet you can help 1000 people for $150. Water Charity’s 100 repaired wells directly serve 100k people. This amounts to a fairly substantial percentage of the population.

Memorandum of Understanding

There is an agreement between Water Charity and YAI to repair 100 broken hand pumps in Montserrado region of Liberia, and thus to restore water access to a large number of needy people.

Water Charity agrees to adopt this 100 Pump- repair project as a program in YAI Water for Everyone Initiative- Liberia. WC will provide Fifteen Thousand United States Dollars ($15,000 USD) to YAI Funds within 30 days of the date of signing (September 20, 2019) in order to execute this implementation.

Monitoring and Maintenance 

Water Charity has adopted 100 wells that were broken in the Montserrado region of Liberia. WC paid for half of this and YAI is matching the other half in kind, i.e. $30,000 of well repair for $15k.

YAI Executive Director – Dr. L. Weeks

Dr. L. Weeks is an internationally acclaimed humanitarian who has worked to alleviate poverty and human suffering in Africa and around the world for over twenty years. When he was nine, Kimmie came face to face with civil war, human suffering, and death. Dr. Weeks established an International organization called Youth Action International to support the needs of families living in post-war countries. Youth Action International’s programs have benefited more than 200,000 people in six post-war African countries by providing vocational training, rebuilding education systems, providing micro-lending, and encouraging young people to invest in agriculture. ( He is a Senior Director for Africa Operations, Integrum Scientific (

Project Funding

This is an ongoing problem and Water Charity is encouraging people to donate to this worthy program, $300 for a well repair is already a bargain in charity work… also now WC is able to offer donors the opportunity to adopt them at half price.

Individual wells can be adopted for $150 plus 10% for admin or $165 per well.

And Water Charity is asking our donors to help us do more…
Please join us now in helping to completely repair all of them.

List of 100 Pumps For Repair

Pump # District # Community Name  Local Contact Name  Local Contact Time broken for? Assesed Repaired
1 10 Yeakpee Town Elijah Quegar 886539457 3 YRS N N
2 10 Gayetown Community H. Aex Nyeswah 886584954 10 YRS N N
3 10 Gayetown Community Zebedee Gbotoe 777001137 5 MOS N N
4 10 Nappy Town,Mosque Dukuly 770609166 2 MOS Y Y
5 10 Divine Town Thomas Dahn/Chairperson 770117856 1 YRS Y N
6 10 Transformal Community Thomas Dahn 770117856 1 MOS N N
7 10 Transformal Community Daniel K. Adjai 770357433 1 YRS N N
8 10 Transformal Community Maxwell Kolo 777706004 3 YRS N N
9 4 Mid- Duport Road, Cowfield Mr.Ballah 777009577 3 YRS Y Y
10 10 Smalltown Community James D. Dermard 886156314 4 YRS N N
11 10 Tokpacamp Community Favor Stewart 777530524 4 YRS N N
12 10 sophia Community Tetee Smith 775362852 1 YRS N N
13 10 Peace Island community Maima Boimah 775480994 6 MOS N N
14 2 Chicken Farm Emmanuel Williepaye 775641822 1  MOS Y N
15 2 Chicken Farm Emmanuel Williepaye 775641822 1 YRS Y N
16 2 St. Francis School Campus Mr. Carter 775238829 5 MOS N N
17 2 Chicken Farm,Old Field Josephine M.Siafa 777946758 4  MOS Y N
18 2 St. Francis Community Mariam Sheriff 775479812 1 YRS Y N
19 2 St. Francis Road Mariam Sheriff 775478912 1 YRS Y N
20 2 Jacob Town Salome 770704863 6 MOS Y N
21 2 South Africa Road Ruth f. Cooper 775558134 3 MOS Y N
22 4 Seekey Community David somor 776236914 1 MOS Y Y
23 4 Duport Road community Nelson B. Korvah 777009577 4 MOS Y N
24 4 Duport Road community Mr.Oscar Siedre 777275869 5 MOS Y Y
25 1 Goba’s Town Chairman 775837363 1YRS Y Y
26 1 Gwee Town Joseph Dukuly 775233202 1YRS Y Y
27 6 Osiwa Community Mr. Pewee 775045806 2YRS N N
28 1 Yehn Town School Campus Joseph Gaba 775837363 6MOS Y Y
29 11 Maryland Center Meme Fahnbulleh 776727364 1YRS N N
30 10 Peace Island Thomas Dahn 770117856 1YRS Y N
31 1 Cursovillie Randolph Diggs 777019658 1YRS Y Y
32 1 Nyehn Town , Todee Joseph Gaba 775837363 6MOS Y Y
33 1 Mount Coffe, Raymond Town Yarkpazuo sumo 776236914 2YRS Y Y
34 1 Mount Coffe, Raymond Town Yarkpazuo sumo 776236914 6MOS Y Y
35 6 Gsa Road Varbah Dukuly 880053823 2 MOS Y N
36 6 Rehab Jermie Strother 776124523 1 MOS Y N
37 6 Gsa Road Varbah Dukuly 880053823 2 MOS Y N
38 6 Rehab Abraham Learkpaye 777141869 4 MOS Y N
39 6 Rehab Lucy Yancy 886912136 6 MOS Y N
40 6 Thinkersvillage Abraham 777141816 2 WKS Y N
41 6 Methodist Church Keistia 880147821 3 MOS Y N
42 6 Methodist Church Keistia 770341892 4 MOS Y N
43 6 Methodist Church Keistia 880147821 3 MOS Y N
44 5 Behind town Hall Ama Eshun 880318702 6 MOS Y N
45 5 Behind town Hall Esther Mulbah 777784236 6 MOS Y N
46 5 Behind town Hall Timothy N. George 777784236 6 MOS Y N
47 6 TownHall Winston Potoway 776105468 1 YRS Y N
48 6 TownHall Winston Potoway 776105468 1 YRS Y N
49 6 Ab Tolbert Road Beatrice Peanick 777861078 2 MOS Y N
50 4 Soul Clinic Village Community Otis Flomo 775993025 1YRS Y Y
51 10 KalondoField Mr. Raymond, 886425113 3 YRS Y Y
52 4 Diamond Creek Community Koffa 888646212 8MOS Y Y
53 14 Soul Clinic  Kemah Town Alfred King 77676803 6MOS Y Y
54 10 Peace Island Block Mr. Giah, 777111762 18 MOS Y N
55 4 cowfield Last Junction Idrissa Donzo 777031418 1YRS Y Y
56 16 Momeboe Town,struton Creek winston 778120146 2 YRS Y N
57 2 Lower Johnsonville Rev. David, 770216549 1 YRS Y N
58 2 Lower Johnsonville Jesco 776135294 8 MOS Y N
59 1 Bahr Town, Todee Randalf 777019658 1YRS Y N
60 1 Todee,School Campus Town Chief 775885017 4 MOS Y Y
61 1 Careyburg, Overcomers Community Mr.karpu 770255417 11 YRS Y Y
62 1 Tatee Community Samuel Karpu 770255417 2 YRS Y Y
63 1 Vervely Community Samuel Karpu 770255417 2 YRS Y Y
64 1 K.P.S. Community Isaac Moore 776205417 8 MOS Y Y
65 4 cowfield first Junction Emmett Pay 77678414 1 YRS Y Y
66 4 cowfield Last Junction Success Bartee 770195701 2 YRS Y Y
67 4 cowfield Last Junction Mr. Momo 777249439 1 YRS Y Y
68 4 Red-Lighrt Gobachop David Selma 778125956 1 YRS Y Y
69 4 Red-Lighrt Gobachop Isaac 776147599 11 MOS Y N
70 4 Red-Lighrt Gobachop Chaiman melvin 770182788 2 YRS Y Y
71 4 Red-Lighrt Gobachop Chairman Melvin 770182788 6MOS Y Y
72 4 New Kemah Town Wengwolo Quoquoi 776242812 1YRS Y N
73 4 Gaza Community Sonnie Kowah 775051338 5MOS Y Y
74 5 Police Academy Block D Mr. Miller 777032825 8MOS Y N
75 6 Plam Bush Community James Flomo 77055989 1YRS N N
76 5 Police Academy, Bassa Town Jessie Smith, 770451331 2 YRS Y N
77 5 Police Academy, Bloc D Daniel Gbaotdo 778684587 10 YRS Y N
78 5 Police Academy, Bloc B Ma. Garmai 886417148 2 YRS Y N
79 5 Redlight Resevior Community Patricia, 777624255 6 MOS N N
80 5 72nd Community, Bassa town Famata Dolo 886973019 6 MOS N N
81 5 72nd Community, Army Camp George Cephas 770655212 3 YRS N N
82 5 Police Academy, Bloc C Bati Doe 775136320 8 MOS Y N
83 5 Police Academy, Bloc A. Amos 770323156 8 YRS Y N
84 5 Weaver Community, Blc B Rufus 886616528 2 YRS Y N
85 5 Paynesville Town Hall Francis 776590165 4 YRS Y N
86 5 Weaver St. Community Bendu, 775902725 4  YRS Y N
87 5 AB Tolbert Road, Blc A Amelia 770167974 3 YRS Y N
88 5 AB Tolbert Road, Blc B Jallah 777151996 4 YRS N N
89 5 12 Houses Road, Bloc A Kofa 776016776 2 WKS N N
90 5 12 Houses Road, Bloc B Penny 778434488 9 MOS N N
91 5 12 Houses Road, Bassa Town Arthur 777059212 2 MOS Y N
92 4 parkerpaint community Alpha Kessll 770965262 4 YRS Y N
93 4 cowfield Duport Agnes Goteh 7778948843 6 MOS N N
94 2 Jacobs town Janjay Sawaye 7770521492 7 MOS N N
95 6 Thinkersvillage Savo Kole 777247837 1  YRS N N
97 2 Dixville Junction Beatrice Morris 775626462 2  YRS N N
98 2 Pipeline Cecelia Tyler 770550124 3 YRS N N
99 6 ELWA, Community Mr. Smith, 770420624 1 YRS N N
100 10 Polotoree Community Rachel Synyenlentu 880884400 1YRS N N