This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Max Wohlgemuth.
To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to build a rainwater catchment system at the school.
Max reports:
The rainwater catchment and installation of the tank has been completed.
A stand was built near the bathrooms, and gutters were attached to the roof. A 3,000 liter plastic tank was purchased, transported to the site, and connected by piping to the gutters.
We have successfully been able to fill the tank multiple times. Right now the tank is being primarily used for drinking water and bath water for the Standard VI and VII students who now board at the school.
The project will be later expanded by the village to utilize the water during the rainy season for the new toilets due to be completed this year. The follow-up will be conducted by the village, but the project is already a success, greatly reducing the amount of time required for the children to collect water, and allowing them to study more in preparation for the testing later in the year.
We are grateful to Max for completing this project, and again wish to thank the donors to date.